CO explaining at Circuit Assembly how to measure neighbourly love

by Daniel1555 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Daniel1555

    I attended the circuit assembly this weekend. It was boring as always (except for one positive thing that was said was that we should be gentle especially the elders).

    There was one thing that left me absolutely speechless. The CO was explaining how to measure neighbourly love: BY THE AMOUNT OF TIME SPENT IN FIELDSERVICE.

    The next point he mentioned was that we should strictly adhere to the disfellowshipping arrangments and not find excuses to speak to df family members.

    In other words. People who go to 3rd world countries for example as nurses or doctors in their free time without pay, or some who cook by their own means for people without food and shelter. No they don't show neighbourly love.

    The pioneer and elder who spends 70 hours a month in field service thereby neglecting his wife, not speaking to his aged disfellowshipped mother; well he is the real HERO IN NEIGHBOURLY LOVE.

  • NewYork44M

    The key to success in this organizaton is "time." As can be seen by all of our experiences time does not necessarily translate into productive activities; but that is not the point of the measurement.

    There is some academic research that basically suggests that organizations do well to determine what they measure and only measure what move the organization to its goals. If you measure the wrong thing, you do no one any favor. Measuring time in service fits this category. So, why does the society focus on time - here is my theory:

    The focus on "time" is a cooercive control tactic to keep people in line. Turning in your time, making your time are terms that have no meaning outside the organization. The process adds unnecessary stress on the R&F.

    I think it is a very effective control measure - but it does nothing that creates value.

  • blondie

    That's why the WTS discourages giving anything materially or time in helping non-jws.

    Better to walk by some cold and unfed, and say "be warm and well fed" and you have fulfilled your Christian obligation.

    *** w86 10/1 p. 23 “Love Your Neighbor”—What Is the Most Practical Way? ***

    In fact, even though pity for the people prompted Jesus to care for them in a physical way, his chief interest was in offering them the spiritual help their religious leaders had failed to provide. (See Matthew, chapter 23.) Jesus was “the fine shepherd,” one willing to surrender “his soul in behalf of the sheep.” (John 10:11) Because he gave this preaching activity—not engaging in social work or building hospitals or running relief agencies—top priority in life, he was later able to tell Pilate: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.”—John 18:37.

    *** w06 5/1 p. 6 Follow Jesus’ Example and Show Concern for the Poor ***

    The Gospel accounts relate that Jesus Christ regularly performed good deeds for those who were poor or who had other needs. (Matthew 14:14-21) To what activity, though, did he give priority? On one occasion, after having spent some time helping those in need, Jesus told his disciples: “Let us go somewhere else, into the village towns nearby, that I may preach there also.” Why did Jesus interrupt his work in behalf of the sick and needy in order to resume his preaching activity? He explained by saying: “It is for this purpose [that is, to preach] I have gone out.” (Mark 1:38, 39; Luke 4:43) Although doing good deeds for people in need was important to Jesus, preaching about God’s Kingdom was his primary mission.—Mark 1:14.

    Real-life experiences from around the world demonstrate that when people understand and follow the Bible’s practical counsel, they are better equipped to deal with the daily problems of life, including poverty. Moreover, the Bible’s message of God’s Kingdom that is preached by Jehovah’s Witnesses today gives people a hope for the future—a hope that makes life worth living, even under the most trying circumstances. (1 Timothy 4:8)

    *** w61 11/1 p. 672 Questions From Readers ***

    Would it violate any Christian principles to contribute to a United Givers Fund campaign conducted annually at one’s place of employment?—M. P., United States.

    Whether a dedicated Christian will contribute to such charitable drives or not is something for each one to decide for himself. He may justly feel that he is already using all his available resources in a charitable work, that of preaching the good news of God’s kingdom, and that therefore he is not under obligation to contribute to other forms of charity. He also might well reason that his money will do more good if spent in some other way, in view of the large overhead that certain charitable organizations have, the officers of some receiving extremely high salaries. So it would be a burden of responsibility that each Christian would have to bear himself as to what would be the best thing for him to do under the circumstances.—Gal. 6:5.

  • clarity

    Thanks for posting this Blondie ...

    I remember reading this some months after we first

    started to attend mtgs. Wow, they really gave us

    an excuse now, to not give money to "other" charities!

    What an ugly cult!


    Whether a dedicated Christian will contribute to such charitable drives or not is something for each one to decide for himself. He may justly feel that he is already using all his available resources in a charitable work, that of preaching the good news of God’s kingdom, and that therefore he is not under obligation to contribute to other forms of charity. He also might well reason that his money will do more good if spent in some other way, in view of the large overhead that certain charitable organizations have, the officers of some receiving extremely high salaries. So it would be a burden of responsibility that each Christian would have to bear himself as to what would be the best thing for him to do under the circumstances.—Gal.

  • Laika

    'What's the point in helping people out if they just end up dying at Armageddon anyway?'

    Ever heard that one before?

    The 61 QFR is a good quote Blondie, typical Watchtower speak. Strongly hinting that it is wrong to give to a non-Watchtower charity effort without actually saying it.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Measuring 'Brotherly Love' based on Jesus or on WT/GB JW.ORG?

    Jesus was perfect YET he did not spend his 'youth' as a minister or as a full time pioneer . ™

    He learned a trade, got a job, THEN at the age of 30, got baptized and started preaching and doing good deeds FOR ONLY 3 1/2 years.

    Then he died for all mankind (or as JW.ORG says... Jesus died ONLY for those who believe the GB are the Slave™) lol

    In my territory, we had an active Dentist and his wife who took their vacation each year in a 3rd World Country, where he helped the locals with free dental care. They also paid for and brought with them Watch Tower literature???? NO. WT literature is worthless. They paid for and brought with them donated clothes, books and medical supplies which they freely distributed through a Charity they set up.

    Through the years, when we would catch up with this couple, they finally asked us pointedly, why don't Jehovah's Witnesses do similar things? They said they already believe in Jesus, so we are wasting our time on them. Why don't we put our money where our mouth is and go and do charitable things like they do.

    I don't remember our response. (We did not call on them anymore after that).

    The WT/GB JW.ORG say they do not judge but they really do.

    This loving and caring couple DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THE GOVERNING BODY is the SLAVE of GOD. lol lol lol

    So in the WT/GB JW.ORG's mind, this couple are bird food at the Big "A".

    Stupid little men, who figured out how to weld great POWER over little people.

    WT/GB JW.ORG are shameless.



  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Sorry. Double post.


  • Oubliette

    It is ironically sad that this organization which if founded on the precept that our leader, Jesus is invisibly present, spends so much time focused on visible things: meeting attendance, field service, dress and grooming, the kind of car you drive, etc. The list is long.

  • leaving_quietly

    I could just imagine the Samaritan whipping out a Watchtower or Tract and preaching to the beat-up Jew lying on the ground! LOL!


    .The CO was explaining how to measure neighbourly love: BY THE AMOUNT OF TIME SPENT IN FIELDSERVICE.

    ............The WBT$ Good Sameritan..


    .........Would you Like a WatchTower?!..

    .............Maybe a Free Bible Study?!..

    I`m not Wasting any Food or Water on You!..


    .......................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

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