" Shredding GB books - a destruction of history - " This was by far one of the creepier commands I recieved while there. Also when we had to lug a cabinet that contained records about missionarioes in lands taht were ubnderban. We were taking it 5 floors down but they made us shrink wrap it and we were escorted by 4 brothers in the service department... it wasnt that serious.
"I am glad your wife is with you. Sorry to hear about some other family giving you trouble." I can honestly say that since she is with me, this whole situation is far easier to handle and has drawn us so much closer. It really is GREAT TO HAVE you other half with you.
" . I don't think I have enough "meat" or exciting enough information to fill an application out it but it was nice reading yours. " - I feel the same way about my rambling story /past. The funny part is since you lived the story it never seems very interesting. Trust me your story would be greatly appreciated by many here
" Honestly, I am still really curious about how your new employee is taking all of this!" As much as I am allowed to say here: "She is fine with it and has no desire to depart. She is actually very good friends with me and my wife. I will leave the rest to her LOL
" Not sure I want to know more about your friendship with cows!" - The cow friendship is linked to me running out of gas and tking a long walk and coming to a huge realization. The staring cows became my buddies on the long tear of joy and pain filled walk.