abortion vs holocaust

by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unstopableravens

    jgnat: i dont have to say anything, she said it her self. she admited she desevered to be given a hard time. that her conscience alerting her she knows it wrong. so she goes on and starts to "justifeid" why she wanted to take the pill. she does not want to be a mother now, maybe in the future, her protection did not work. and the last thing she says "please dont judge me" there no need she has judged herself she knows it wrong

  • unstopableravens

    comatose: no joke here, and the thought that bugs are more life than a baby in the womb is sick.

  • cantleave

    At what point does the ball of cells have a soul inserted unstop?

  • Comatose

    12 cells in a blob is not a baby.

    Edited by coma, sorry for the personal remark. It was unnecessary.

  • Comatose

    Killing 12 cells with no "living" going on is far better than killing a mouse in your house. The mouse is alive and has a "life". 12 cells are not "alive"!

  • unstopableravens

    moron? ok

  • jgnat

    jgnat: im I'm sorry but i I strongly disagree with your idea that my comparrison comparison is to too strong. (its It's fit [is] more accurate than dawkins Dawkin's comparrison comparison to believers) [During the] holocaust millions where were murdered in camps; abortion [results in] millions are murdered in camps (womb).

    Of course you do. You are a victim.

    Holocaust Abortion
    Men, women, and children were ripped from their homes and sent to concentration camps. Scared young women unprepared for pregnancy or parenthood, look for understanding and options.
    The weak are killed immedately. The healthy are starved and worked to death. If that doesn't work, they are sent to the gas chamber. People are dehumanized and treated worse than animals. Death is cold, painful, cruel, and protracted. Hopefuly conducted under a doctor's care and as early in the pregnancy as possible to prevent injury to the mother. It is done as swiftly as possible to reduce suffering.
    The Holocaust

    Science Heroes

    Abortions since Roe vs Wade





  • Comatose

    Yeah sorry. Let's stick to arguable facts. Again, 12 cells is not a "life".

  • jgnat

    I am sorry I shared that woman's testimony with unstopable.

  • unstopableravens

    comatose: its okay. ohh sorry. It's okay. Is that better Jgnat? That women's story was prob not diiferent than most. to me her attitute is sad.

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