MSGG asked- Have any of you succeeded in building your life back and finding yourself? What helped?
By exiting the JWs, you have liberated yourself to allow yourself the opportunity to grow. But growth isn't inevitable: it's still on you to determine HOW to grow, and what you want to be. You're now in a better position than most JWs who learn TTATT, since you went to college, but that doesn't mean that you aren't a bit behind the curve, since you spent some time wasting time (granted, it wasn't like you were smoking crack, etc). Fortunately life is not a foot-race, and there's no 'goal' other than what you create as YOUR goal.
I think of the words of Henry Thoreau who said (paraphrased) that he wasn't put on the Planet in order to DO or accomplish anything specific, but just to enjoy the experience, maintaining a sense of wonderment and appreciation of the experience itself. Before death, Thomas Huxley said that he was frustrated that having spent his life studying the human condition, he had nothing better to offer as far as insight into life as his "famous last words" other than to say, 'try to be a little bit kinder'. It really IS that simple, and all the religious baggage is simply complex theological busy-work to buy eternal salvation which isn't even there.
But back to you: so rather than looking back at what you lost, or worrying about the experiences which you felt you were deprived, look ahead, thinking about what and where you want to be in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc. Take some time for honest self-assessment of your strengths, or which weaknesses you'd like to turn into strengths. JWs have TONS of experience delivering sales pitches, but a shocking ability to connect with others: likely due to believing they are right, and the others are wrong. Easy to say, but try to really understand what others are saying, rather than 'preaching'.
Set and write down goals (even if only to read a good book every month; I try to make it to the library or Barnes and Noble just to browse, and it's good to read a book that interests you, commiting to being a life-long learner). Set goals, but don't dogmatically stick to them, allowing yourself the permission to be flexible and willing to change direction as the conditions change.