I'm only asking because we haven't seen a single sole......(sole being a living creature not a floaty spirit thing! lol) and nobody has had one down our street at all........
Have the borg been to assimilate your street with Kingdom News 38?
by outinthemeadows 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
CA quote from the D.O.." Kingdom News #38 is part of the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecies." Isn't that title kind of a let-down to a prophetic message? Kingdom News #38?!??? Really???
Sole -being a fish or bottom of a shoe.
We have had nothing here. Tumbleweed.
Calebs Airplane
Nothing in my neighborhood... I've asked my neighbors also...
Maybe they did away with 100% territory coverage for special tracts...
Besides, if the Witchtower can put at least 1 pair of boots in each country, that's all they really need to call it a successful worldwide campaign...
If you lived in the any of 6 territories I took out -then you wouldn't have gotten any because I didn't do one single door. maybe the witnesses in your area are doing the same--pretending to do the work.
LoisLane looking for Superman
WannaExit ... Does your mom always tell you what a Sweetheart girl you are??? lol
I was such a drone. lol I had to do every door and do my very best.
Lives were involved, I was told.
It would never have dawned on me to let one door go without informing the 'prospective new drone' how he too, can receive this carrot in front of a donkey, elusive... everlasting life. lol
On the tract that was stuck in my door on Friday, the back of it informs me:
(In bold all caps type) TO LEARN MORE WITHOUT COST
Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up... Without COST???
WT/GB JW.ORG took my life away. My choices. My interests. My money. What a horrible, dishonest, cruel joke... without cost.
The fools gave up on my street 5 or 6 years ago.
Too many neighbors know what questions to ask them.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
No tracts around here...
but we've received TONS of Black Friday thru Christmas sale fliers.
Jehovah is rocking the nations... WITH SAVINGS!