This is a theological examination of the topic for those who still might be troubled with the Watchtower’s interpretation of the matter.
Abstain from Blood?
by Londo111 14 Replies latest watchtower medical
Poindexter Lionel Humperdique
Londo, thanks for sharing. By the way, Where is your gravatar image from? Which movie is it?
Thank you. It is from a 90's sci-fi show, Babylon 5.
Poindexter Lionel Humperdique
It'a a very cool image. thanks for sharing!
cha ching
Good reasoning Londo!
Thx for your hard work!
cha ching
In the pic, the very gregarious Londo Mollari has his arm around the very straightlaced Lennier…Lennier’s discomfort was too humorous to pass up, which is why I snagged it. Of course, in person, I am more like Lennier, and nothing like Londo.
Thanks, cha ching!
Good, concise, logical, well reasoned video. Thanks for sharing
Thank you.
I was just reviewing what the elder's handbook says under causes of disassocation (page 112):
Willingly and unrepentantly taking blood.If someone willingly takes blood, perhaps because of being under extreme pressure, the committee should obtain the facts and determine the individual’s attitude. If he is repentant the committee would provide spiritual assistance in the spirit of Galatians 6:1 and Jude 22, 23. Since he is spiritually weak, he would not qualify for special privileges for a period of time, and it may be necessary to remove certain basic privileges. Depending on the circumstances, the committee may also need to arrange for an announcement to the congregation: "'The elders have handled a matter having to do with [name of person]. You will be glad to know that spiritual shepherds are endeavoring to render assistance." On the other hand, if the elders on the committee determine that he is unrepentant, they should announce his disassociation.
The FAQ on JW.ORG still holds to the no-blood position, but it is apparent they have reduces the number of places in recent literature where this topic is discussed. It almost seems like they are trying to phase it out. Maybe we should make an annoucement: "Those who know TTATT have handled a matter having to do with the Watchtower. You will be glad to know that spiritual shepherds are endeavoring to render assistance."