I'm not da or df and for some reason I can't bring myself to da just yet. But I'm living in terror. Today it something came up that reminded me. I have a page on FB, let's call it XYZ Art. I unfriended all the remaining JWs who were on my regular page, but forgot to cross them of XYZ Art. So I puts a status up about doing a Christmas art piece, and how I never used to be able to because I was in a cult.
Well, a JW texts me to ask me if it was my page. I didn't know who it was so just said Yes without thinking, and afterwards the terror gripped me. There in Black and White I had said "yes" to Christmas and that I had been in a cult. And that I recognised that number. My blood froze. But, I decided to play dumb and asked her why she asked.
She said maybe someone had hacked my page because of the Xmas and cult reference. I'll give her this, rather than running to the elders straight away she came to me first. Credit to her. So I said I haven't been on it and would have a look. Then I went to the damn page and deleted that sucker pronto. Now there's no evidence I ever wrote that.
But the terror, oh people, the terror! The fear of a JC was so rank my blood churned and that old JW anxiety gripped my throat and my mind filled with expletives. Even now I'm out of the woods, and have gone and dropped all JWs off XYZ Art, I'm tense. I'm anxious. I'm in a tizzy. I'm breathin' funny.
I want to just da and get it over with. I don't want to write a big fancy letter with all the historical and scriptural reasons why the WT is bunk, I just wanna say, "I'm not going to be lied to anymore. Do some research. It's a cult. It's like North Korea. I want officially out of your organisation because it's just about fear mongering, guilt tripping, lies, and Pharisaic rules and control. "The Truth" is lies, and the Organisation doesn't want you to find out. Well, I did, and I'm out.
I'm not bitter; but I am angry I was lied to. I feel like an idiot that it took me 15 years to work out the true character of this cold, crushing organisation. But I shouldn't be so hard on myself, because you reading this have been trapped far longer, which is a testament to just how good they are at misleading people."
Rant over.