did you guys see that one of the more popular jw sites closed down? greatcrowd.net ceased to exist. who's left?
by YouBetcha 16 Replies latest jw friends
did you guys see that one of the more popular jw sites closed down? greatcrowd.net ceased to exist. who's left?
So much for the WatchTower Society claiming to promote freedom.
Did the love of the greater number cool off?
How dense are these rabid JWs? I mean, how long did it take for it to sink in that there's a whole universe of unwritten rules, communicated verbally, by body language or social pressure to dubs, that contravene whatever their Brooklyn masters say for public consumption?
Hey guys, have you now figured out that avoidance of the internet is for loyal JWs more than a mere ``suggestion?'' Or did you finally get the picture from some Bethel-appointed goon lowering the boom on your precious little website? .... duh...
And I was lurking there too! I had, like, the funniest username too! DAMN! I was about to make my 'seminal' post, and then they closed down...hehe, I'll bet money that PLN will close down next...it's only a matter of time now until you don't find any Dubs on the Web anymore. It only makes sense for the GB to ban the Internet, I mean, they've banned virtually everything else already and it IS their greatest threat!
"Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell
How did great Crowd let you in? They booted me after my first post!And I was active at the time...LOL
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
“Don’t read the internet!!! Don’t read the internet!!!”
With proclamations like that, do they seriously think that their child mined followers will listen??
When my parents said: “Don’t play in that abandoned house down the street”
My first act was to make a beeline to the abandoned house.[8>]
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
<x ><
i guess with the internet having it's roots in the military, it would be unchristian to use it ... like you say syn, they've found a 'valid' reason to ban everything else ...
The thought generally amongst the R&F is that even people who set up sympathetic pro-JW sites are possibly "wavering". I used to be frightened of any web site that mentioned Jehovah's Witnesses - "You can't be sure of their credentials" was the general thought!
I know my friend is good at parroting back that "no internet" advice. Oh, he'll still use it, he just keeps away from JW related sites.
It's strange, he's a very intelligent guy but unusually gullible when it comes to scammers and a certain unnamed cult group.