2 Jehovah will use the Kingdom to unify his family in heav- en and on earth. That divine purpose will be realized. (Isa. 55: 10, 11) In fact, Jehovah has already become King in our day! The thrilling events of the past 100 years are proof of this. God is performing great and wonderful works in behalf of millions of loyal subjects. (Zech. 14:9; Rev. 15:3) And yet, Jehovah’s be- coming King is not the same as the coming of God’s Kingdom for which Jesus taught us to pray. How do these events differ, and how do they affect us? JEHOVAH'S HAS BECOME KING IN OUR DAY? What was he before? I thought it was JESUS WHO IS KING? Am I on crack?
by Sittingstraight1212 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
J. Hofer
probably they were on crack when writing this. this ought to make some heads shake in wt study meeting.
I agree that Jesus should be king not God. The Watchtower continues to confuse us with their ongoing propaganda.
It's all just total nonsense to begin with. No need to worry about who may or may not be the 'king'.
Wow these guys are just pushing the horse crap to see who sticks I guess maybe even hoping more people leave. This is blatant that they don't recognize Jesus at all.
It's probably something dumb, like, " True, Jesus has been ruling since 1914, and will for the millenial reign. Then he will hand the Kingdom over to his Father, JEHOVAH. Since JEHOVAH is the head of Christ, he was always ruling, in a sense." Who knows? They are kray...
I thought the same thing when I first saw that. I think they just like to mix it up a bit. I don't think it would take much searching in WT lib to find something opposite and more along the lines of what you and I remember. But I am 'evidently' an appostate, so don't trust me. Better to do some research in pre-approved WT sources. See MS book for the list.
It's called 'making it up as they go along' only to later discover an inconsistent and ever changing account.
It's like this:
Jesus is king for 1000 years, but y'all know Jehovah is really the King.
It's kind of like Jehovah is the ultimate authority but y'all know it's really the Governing Body.
Oh wait. I meant that the other way around.
Or maybe there's some New Testament scripture where they replaced "the Lord" with "Jehovah" and it won't work unless Jehovah is king when Jesus is supposed to be king.
I find it best to just not read into Watchtower materials. They do make it up as they go along, depending on what they need.
Quit trying to make sense out of nonsense!