WOW< your folks have been able to keep quite a balance all these years< in comparison to most jws> their example probably helped you to be able to work out that kind of balance< and see you through going to college> how wonderful his expression of being "proud of you>"
Just got off the phone with my dad!
by Kool Jo 24 Replies latest jw experiences
That was a great conversation. It's good that your dad has his eyes open.
troubled mind
Your Dad sounds like a very good guy . It is good to hear he is keeping his balance ,doesn't sound like they will be able to take further advantage of him monetary wise . Wish my in laws were so prudent . I worry about them taking on more thay can handle now that they are retired and on a budget .
Great conversation - with such great detail, you must have recorded it. Is your father usually so disclosing to you? I don't know your back story, but it sounds as though he's mulling things over a lot - especially the organization's increasingly blatant money-seeking ways and expectations that the rank and file will keep on giving all they can. I must say though I have never heard of a congregation being directly - or indirectly - told its the lowest ranked in donations in a district.
Kool Jo
Hello All:
I'm starting to think that my dad is just going with the flow...when I mentioned the Conti case to him, he was shocked and the organization made a big blunder, but he hopes Jehovah will rectify things soon.
In another conversation I had with my dad earlier in the year, I also realized something...there was an attempted break-in at a sister's home, but the suspect got away before the cops could dad's response "If I had a gun and he attempted to come at our house, this would be the last house he'd try to rob"....jaws dropped, my mom looked shocked.
I really think he's just going with flow...not beleiving every little thing/viewpoint that the borg has...let's see how things go!
He maybe surpressing his true feelings. My dad and I are very close, he's the more balanced of the parents.
@steve: I was surprised too of this letter...not sure if it will be something new whereby they monitor cash flow and "remind" those who aren't pulling their weight?
Kool Jo
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I left at the very start of seeing how WT was dumping bethelites into the worst job market in decades. The parting comments were, "rely on Jehovah."
Sounds like the branch needs to take that comment to heart. They're worried about how much Dad's congregation is donating? Well, they need to rely on Jehovah rather than badgering the congregations. Doesn't WT have the backing of the sovereign of the universe? ... all the gold and silver are his? Then why would JWs be all about money, money, money, making demands of the flock?
Besides, it's common knowledge that WT has been selling branches and properties worth hundreds of millions of dollars. How can they turn around and demand money from congregations and dismiss bethelites with nothing? Where is all that money going?... The CO comes and thoroughly checks the congregation's financial records... so why can't the congregation thoroughly check WT's financial records? No open accounting or public auditing at the top, eh? Sounds fishy doesn't it?
As far as us ex-bethelites, I tried relying on Jehovah... but he wasn't hiring. So, I relied on family. Then, I relied on the "worldly higher education". Moving out into the real world was difficult because of living for so long in the twisted headquarters of Watchtower. Despite what I was taught by WT, the world actually wants us to get educated and live a happy, productive life.
Kool Jo - your very good relationship with your dad stands out - and you seem to have a lovely and respectful manner with him.
Selfishly, I saw several decade vested Bethlites being shown the door in 2005, and that absolutely accelerated my desire to leave. I wasn't going to be in Africa for 10 years, get Malaria, then get sent home because I wasn't healthy with no savings or skills. It seemed like every so often, a GB at morning worship would comment about how those "who get a new "assignment" (code for, being kicked out of Bethel into a local congregation) need to trust in Jehovah....
What struck me most was the sheer terror of the old timers not in the any of the 5 major departments and with no skills. Particularly the sisters, who had been there all their lives, and were now seeing for the first time how they were really viewed in the Borg's eyes. Just pure anxiety.
Glad your dad is being realistic!
Wow!!! Pops knows how many beans make 5!!! Good for him. Wish more JW's were like him.
LoisLane looking for Superman
What a wonderful Dad you have.