If it was'nt for the internet I would still be stuck in the endless cycle of drone like meeting attendance and field service. (technically I'm still in but not for long) I'm really glad that some ex-JWs took the time to speak about the real truth. For the longest time I always thought that what I was taught was correct, I never even felt the need to question it or validate it with actual facts.
Logging on to Yahoo and typing in Jehovah was the best decision I made within the last few years. I've learned about the countless prophecies that WTS has made but failed to come true, I've learned about how the society blames its members for simply being excited about what they were taught to beleive. My eyes have been opened to their practice of making up rules that go above and beyond bible practices. Even worse I've read hundreds of personal experiences of where lives were shattered due to child abuse, shunning and outright lies and slander. And the list goes on and on.
I thank everyone who has contributed to helping others realize what the WTS real fruitage is.