When the death penalty should apply.

by smiddy 32 Replies latest social current

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Military action is state approved killing or in simple terms "murder". It has a purpose and from time to time becomes a necessity. I see no difference. There are very specific rules about how that is undertaken, soldiers have to maintain fire discipline otherwise they can end up themselves breaking the law and charged with murder.

    As long as the laws are robust and it's use very limited in scope I dont have a problem with it.

  • AlphaMan

    A witness to the killing of Lee Rigby burst into tears in court as she described how his two attackers "jabbed" knives into the soldier's motionless body before posing for pictures.

    Tina Nimmo sobbed in the witness box of the Old Bailey on Tuesday morning as she told how Rigby's attackers looked "proud" after mutilating the soldier in a south London street.

    Asked by the prosecutor, Richard Whittam QC, to describe the two attackers after they had attacked the 25-year-old, Nimmo said: "Very proud of what they had in their hands", referring to their meat cleaver, knives and gun.

    "They were just holding their weapons up," she said.

    Earlier the court heard evidence from Nimmo's daughter, Michelle, who described how the alleged assailants were posing for pictures at the scene.

    "They looked very proud of what they had done. My mother approached the victim but the man with the gun waved it in a threatening manner so she moved back," she said in a statement read to court.

    Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, are accused of murdering Rigby, a drummer and machine-gunner in the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, as he walked back to Woolwich military barracks.

  • JeffT

    I've changed my mind about this particular case, after rereading what happened. If they want to call themselves soldiers and be treated like soliders then fine by me. They were in a civilian area and out of uniform. The people that arrested them should have stood them against the nearest solid wall and shot them.

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