Old Literature being destroyed again!

by KW13 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    There ought to be a project to scan all of the old literature and magazines. I could see the Society appealing to nostalgia, having everyone turn in their old stuff - don't worry, we'll scan the old stuff and put it on JW.org for everyone to see - and have those scans not quite match the text of the originals through some artful photoshopping.

    Wouldn't be the first time.

  • eyeuse2badub

    The GB knows that 95% of what Rutherford and Franz conjured up in the past is total fantasy. They don't reverence and mention those 2 jokers too much any more for obvious reasons. The GB would like nothing more than to have all the old crap burned and forgotten IMHO. The GB 2.0 is following the same pattern with their abundant 'nulite' confusion.


  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    These threads pop up all the time and it's always someone talking out of their ass. Here's the deal:

    -The congregation library is supposed to have as complete a library (wrt to WT publications) as possible. They are not taking books out of the library and destroying them.

    -If the literature counter has damaged items, they are to be destroyed. If the lit counter has an excess of old literature, they're supposed to try and use it in the ministry. That typically doesn't happen so it gets destroyed since that's really the only option left. Books from the 90's such as what the OP mentions are probably going to be old looking and yellow so those aren't really useful for anything.

    and the person above mentioned donating books to the library: They were probably not needed in the library so what else were they supposed to do with them?

    There's no conspiracy to get rid of old publications and hide stuff (that's what reprints and the WOL is for :) ). If you want to read the weird shit in Russel's stuff or Franz's wacky number stuff go right ahead. Those books are still in the library.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Just read 1984 and it all makes sense.

    Of course the the GB are interested in their history. "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."- George Orwell

  • LongHairGal

    Barrell Bonds:

    Mmm sounds like you have the "inside scoop". You are entitled to your opinion and everybody else is entitled to theirs.

  • DeWandelaar

    Actually Barrell Bonds is right ;) ... As I remember these rules it is really the case... They do not need extra copies though so they still destroy a lot of things

  • blondie

    Some congregations never had any of the much older literature. In this area the 2 oldest congregations are the only ones that have any go back to the Studies in the Scriptures.

    It is not the policy of the WTS to have readable literature tossed unless 1) yellowed and crumbling (then if really old offered to jws who are interested) 2) newer literature readily available in jw libraries that are not placeable 2) duplicates. Few jws have the older publications unless in their 80's or 90's and have inherited literature from family who were in the WTS back to the 1890's or prior even or up till the 1950's when the WTS reproduced volumes from those years and forward for jws to order from literature. Even when there was a surplus in literature, new jws were encouraged to get copies for their personal library.

    I have never had it announced from the platform to toss the old literature unless it was an in-house decision. If the elders represented it as an order from headquarters, they were stretching the facts.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Blondie is right on the money as usual. She's literally the least insane poster on this site.

  • Apognophos

    If the old literature was stumbling JWs, the Society would be doing this. However, seeing as virtually no one actually sits in the library to read the old books, there is little organizational concern over the old light in those publications. Leaving the old books alone is the best way for people to forget about them, rather than issuing orders to trash them or box them up and send them in, and thus drawing attention to them.

  • wallsofjericho

    i had a bonfire.

    without my 2012 CD I would only have jw.org

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