Looking for feedback. To bring you all back up to speed, wife is ex-JW. Shunned by her brother and parts of her family at uncle’s JW funeral. I ripped into her brother pretty hard. Since then, there has been some e-mail traffic back and forth. Her JW mom seems to be attempting to reconcile. Her brother’s latest correspondence was typical JW nonsense. “I am trying to respect your believes, but you are not respecting mine.”
My dilemma is this. I do not want to impede the reconciliation with her family. At the same time, I want to make my position clear. This crap needs to end. After sitting on it for a couple of months, I have crafted the following reply to her brother.
I think you were right to focus on the “respect” theme, but, I have to ask. How did you respect my beliefs?
I quietly avoided the Jehovah Witness issue for 13 years, despite knowing the whole ugly story. I did so out of respect to my Witness in-laws and my desire to avoid unnecessary conflict. By contrast, you all decided to make an issue out of it while [my wife] was attending a funeral to support her father. Is that respect?
Your sister is a faithful wife who prays with her children, feeds the poor, visits widows, and teaches children the bible. While it may have not been your intention, this is the woman you essentially called a slut (1 Cor 5) in front of her family. Is that respect?
Given that the current Jehovah Witness policies towards the disassociated date back to the Raymond Franz incident, is it disrespectful or unreasonable to question the motives of those who set those policies?
Like it or not, we are going to have to deal with these issues from time to time. How you run your household is your business. However, [my wife] is part of my household. If the Witnesses have an issue with [my wife], too bad. I expect her to be treated with every respect, regardless of the circumstances or who is involved.
I am willing to put January behind us as an unfortunate mistake for all involved, but I am not going to appease the Witnesses at the cost of throwing [my wife] under the bus.