1984, Big Mother, and the Watchtower on
by DS211 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Lov. 1984
441 views....cmon lurkers open your minds!
Interesting concepts! It really too bad that this organization has such influence over millions of minds.
Thanks for your time and information.
All the fredit goes to Randy on freeminds...
So well thought out and true.
Thank you for posting it.
They brag about unity so much, but unity based on fear and lies and "doublethink" for miles - is no real unity at all.
Controlling mind games is not unity.
Tell the truth, GB, and see how much unity you have.
Be transparent about your finances and accounts and money flow and see how much brotherly unity you have.
Publish the minutes of your "spirit-directed" governing body meetings and see how much unity you have.
Include all of your past publications on the website online library and see how much unity you have.
You won't do any of this. Why? Because there is no unity. There is only fantasy perpetuated by deceit.