Could this be the Atom Bomb when it comes to waking up Someone? Could it Work?

by BU2B 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    Could this be the Home run Swing when it comes to waking up a spouse? Could it Work?

    Yesterday I was checking out this Website

    The webpage does not mention any specific religion or group, yet has points that obviously apply to JWs.

    If I could get my wife, or any JW, Mormon, Scientologist, or any cult member to read it, I believe that it would lead them to the exit door eventually as a result.

    The trick is, how do you get them to read it?

    My Idea is something like this- JWs recently that I have been around have been trash talking Mormons and Scientology, talking about how wierd, wrong and satanic they are. Of course I had to bite my tounge until it bled because JWs are so much like these groups and it is mega fustrating that they cannot see that. Maybe if in conversation I bring up that I have been doing some research on Mormon and Scientology, and Amish (which we just saw a show about) and it led me to believe that they may be a Cult (gasp) (of course JWs believe that there are cults, just dont believe they are one) Then I would say that I found a webpage that has the signs of a Cult and how to recognise them, here take a look at it! It may help us help people in the ministry who are slaves to these groups. (If she does read it, then ask if after reading it, does she think the Amish are a cult? Bear in mind, I would keep this as csual and off hand as possible.

    If she reads it and thinks it applies to JWs and gets accusatory I could always back off and say that "I never saw it that way" and "you think we fit this description?"

    although it does not name ANY group, just the warning signs of cults My concern is that the site is too obviously applicable to JWs. Here are some kep points they list.

    These are just a few of the key points. As you can see they fit JWs so well its as if it was written with them in mind. My fear is that is what she will think and just dismiss it as "apostate propaganda" I could just play dumb if I have too and if she says well this describes us, and just say "really I never looked at it like that"!

    Is the page too agressive, or do you fine folks think it may be worth a shot?

    If a JW did read this would they soon realize they are in a cult?

    Am I just delusional to think there is an easier quicker way to wake someone?

    I welcome your thoughts.

  • adamah

    Yeah, there is no "one size fits all" magic bullet.

    The problem is the word "cult" is a useless word as a hyperbolic pejorative, since when they hear it, JWs automatically think of some young person who got kidnapped against their will by "recruiters" who shaved their heads, put them in a robe, locked them in a closet, and "brainwashed" them, etc. They dismiss themselves from consideration, since THEY aren't like that.

    So even though they will see the discription, they will likely dismiss themselves, since they repeat over and over that they are not a cult. It's part of the personal narcissism that leads one to be in a cult, thinking they're 'different' and special' and such things don't happen to me, as well as a heavy dose of 'narcissism of small differences'.

    It's been stated repeatedly, but most people have to experience a shock or personally undergo a faith-quaking stressful event before they're willing to consider that they're in a cult. It takes a certain combination of pre-disposing emotional and rational vulnerabilities that makes joining the JWs seem like a desirable option, and it takes effort to change from that world view in order to detach.


  • Pyramid God
    Pyramid God

    It worked for me, but I don't know how you would ever slip that past someone's cult defenses.


    BU2B - your approach seems really good and you have a fine escape plan. This is just my personal view but the graphics on the webpage seem quite gimicky and not quite believable. If the typeface was more normal and it was presented from the angle of a professional article i think it might be more believeable - but I guess you don't have that luxury.


  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    JW's are not a cult. Just ask them.

    If they do see the connection, they might ask themselves, "Are cults really a BAD thing?"

  • Oubliette

    Steven Hassan recommends reaching loved ones by discussing OTHER CULTS. This approach could be effective if done judiciously.

    Can you say something like, "There's been a lot about Scientologists in the news lately, what with Leah Remini and whatnot ... I have someone at work that has a family member in the group and is trying to help show her family member that she is in a dangerous cult. She knows that we as JWs encourage people to question their beliefs to see if they are really accurate and true.

    She had this information on cults and I thought it was really interesting. What do you think?"

    Then let the information do it's work. Don't stir, don't push, don't be too obvious ... just plant the seeds and see what happens.

  • carla

    Once, long ago, I tried something very close to this tactic, not mentioning jw's at all and using an 'expert'. The problem? Discussing every other cult BUT the wt, my jw got to the description of a cult and got mad and refused to look at it saying it was apostate garbage. I asked him to show me where it even mentioned jw's but that just enraged him more and he refused to talk to me the rest of the night. Guess it hit a little too close to home for comfort.

    That was just my jw and maybe your jw will have a different response, I hope so.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I've tried the Scientology cult thing. I thought Hassan's Bite model would be effective. JW's don't know anything about Scientology. They don't know anything about Leah Remini. Honestly, JW's are not news watchers or news readers. Most live in a bubble.

    They don't believe they are in a cult. I was shocked to realize I was in a 'cult'. Jw's aren't culty enough.

    I agree with Adam, but you can still give it a try and let us know the outcome.

  • Rufus T. Firefly
    Rufus T. Firefly

    Excellent post, BU2B! I've visited that website and was impressed by the same points listed. After reading Ray Franz's Crisis of Conscience, I could not understand why he stopped short of calling JWs a cult, when they clearly are a cult for all the reasons he pointed out. What I liked about is that they understand the basic definition of cult; therefore they conclude that at least 95% of the world's population belong to some type of cult, whether it be religious, political or commercial. I like the way you think, because I have wondered how to share that info with my wife.

  • notjustyet

    Please check out the YV show " breaking the faith". Just started 2 weeks ago here in the USA on TLC channel.

    About the FLDS group,... lotsa parrellels to the jws that will surely get the info into their heads without them knowing it. In my opinion, it will wake some up.


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