1973 "Divine Victory" International Assemblies

by Bungi Bill 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • karter
  • titch

    I was at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. And, Zoos, who knows, our paths could have crossed at some time while there.

  • karter

    I was at that assembly in Christchurch in 1973.

    Loe Greenless member of the G.B said "brothers and sisters this is most likey the last internationl assembly this side if Armagedden"


  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    I, too, remember that - and similar - quotes.


  • dropoffyourkeylee

    The program from Wed and Thursday

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Friday and Saturday

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    the last one is just the routine information about the site and departments

  • Ucantnome

    i think it was at Comiskey park that year.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Looking at this old program, what really strikes me is how much this religion has changed. The attendance was 40,000 plus every day, and over 50,000 the last day. There were 982 baptized, can you imagine that? The percent of attendees baptized 982/47911 = 2.0% !! Compare that to the baptism rate of recent years, where the percent has been around 0.5%.

    I was around back then, but for some reason it doesn't hit home until I look at something like this old program.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    Thanks for pasting that convention program.

    As you say, the baptism numbers (by today's standards, at least) were impressive. During the years leading up to 1975, the JWs certainly were on a roll. While I cannot recall the exact number, the baptism numbers at the Christchurch assembly were of a similar proportion.

    Also, unlike today, the majority of these were not born ins. For example, the "star of the show" of those baptised at the Christchurch assembly was a former Methodist minister. He had some scathing things to say about his former church, and these remarks made up a considerable amount of the media coverage that the assembly attracted.

    One can only guess how quickly the disillusionment would have set in, and what ultimately became of this individual. (i.e. the very things he lambasted his former church for were some of the same things the JWs are just as guilty of - he had yet to find that out!)


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