by Francois 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Have you folks or your agents read and carefully digested the posts in the very recent thread entitled "How Many Got the Real Truth From the Internet"?

    I consider that thread one of the best that I've seen here or anywhere else on the Internet in over 7 years. And it spells trouble for you.

    You would be doing the world a favor if you just admitted your faults and disbanded the entire organization. And given the destruction you've wrought in people's lives over the last hundred years and more, that's exactly what you SHOULD do.

    But, since there's so much money involved you won't do that until you're forced. And that day of reckoning is coming. Armaggedon certainly is not.

    You might be able to pull your nuts out of the fire yet. How? Knock off all your self-righteous public moral preening. You have no moral superiority to preen.

    Drop the restriction on blood transfusions today. Now. If you want to keep it in cases of actual "eating" of blood, OK. You'll still be viewed as nuts, but there's nothing new in that. Don't worry about whether the change will "stumble" the odd publisher or two. Your policies have killed people, what's a little stumbling at this point.

    Stop disfellowshipping people and shunning them. Drop the whole policy. Do it today. Do you really want to face God one day and have to explain this policy? I certainly wouldn't want to. Act like you've got some common sense. This isn't Spain during the Inquisition.

    Knock off the knocking door to door preaching. Everyone knows its ineffectual and people HATE doing it. And people HATE JWs for doing it. Most of the statistical infomation you get from time slips is fiction in the first place. If you have any spiritual light to shine, people will see it in the lives of your members and be attracted to it. No one should have to go door to door saying in effect, Look at our Light? Ain't it pretty?

    Get unqualified brothers out of elder positions. Go back to the congregation overseer plan. It worked better. Have schools for them that actually teach psychology, epistimology, counseling, conflict resolution and topics that would be useful.

    Work on yourselves. Stop your hypocrisy. Stop your lying. Stop your double-dealing. Stop loaning people their own money at interest and accepting payments while you hold the title. Are you trying to establish just how far you can push ethical standards? So far you're way past used car salesmen and going further into the moral slime by the minute. And stop seeing how close to the Catholic Church your policy on pedophilia you can get.

    You're not going to win, fighting the internet like you are. And your attempts to keep people from going there and eventually looking up apostate sites just make you look silly. Like priests of Baal. You are making yourselves look worse than silly, you look like fools. Already you look like the old idiot in Wizard of Oz - Pay no attention to the old fool behind the curtain.

    Gentlemen, you ARE the old fools behind the curtain. There's still time to save yourselves before the governments turn on ALL cults hiding behind the first amendment. It's likely to happen in other countries first. That finger you've got in the dyke won't hold the flood of truth forever. And it will be reported on the internet with glee.

    Admit what you are. Turn around. Now. Stop sinning. Stop killing gullible people with your insane interpretations.

    Remember Jeremiah? Remember how Isreal killed all the prophets that warned of her destruction; killed all who dared to speak against those in authority?

    Think of me as Jeremiah.

    You never know.

  • LizardSnot

    Amen brother!


  • Five Gospels
    Five Gospels


  • TheStar
    No one should have to go door to door saying in effect, Look at our Light? Ain't it pretty?

    LOL@"ain't it pretty?"

    Amen, Francois, Amen!

  • freeman


  • worf




  • Simon

    spot on but we know they are too arrogant to listen

  • FreeFallin

    Excellent essay, spot on.


  • outnfree

    <<<---- Clapping hands vigorously together, shouting "Bravo, bravo!"

    Are you listening, WT?


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • AjaxMan

    Well written, Francois.

    spot on but we know they are too arrogant to listen
    While I agree with Simon, I have to say that it's not just that they are too arrogant to listen just that each one of them got their heads inside their own body cavity that is too graphic to describe if you know what I mean.

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