jh: im glad you care ,i sense care in your comment. and truthfully i care for ppl here including you. thats why i feel it sad when ppl leave jw and dont come to christ. #itsnotacult lol
best sermon of all time
by unstopableravens 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
jw believe they are the true religion ,it is about membership in a religion and not really about one on one with god.
USR- surely all Christian cults** believe that they, and they alone, represent the truth of Christ. And most, will believe that through that church and that church alone - you best approach the divinity.
** using the word, in its original meaning, and not the very narrow meaning assigned to the word on this site.
A cult is an organization with deviant and novel beliefs and practices. [1] However, whether any particular organization's beliefs are deviant or sufficiently novel is often without a clear or consistent definition. [2] [3]
The term 'cult' was originally used to describe a group of people who worshiped a deity. The term was first used in the early 17th century denoting homage paid to a deity and borrowed via the French culte from Latin cultus (worship), from the adjective cultus (inhabited, cultivated, worshiped), derived from the verb colere (care, cultivate). [4] Today the term often carries derogatory connotations [5] [6] and is used selectively by proponents of "brainwashing" theory. [7]
well of course, how a word is used means everything, like the word gay, it can mean happy, bbut im sure not going to say im gay lol. but real christian teaching will never tell you the church is how you come to god its only christ john 14:6. listen to the sermon see what is thaught