by ADJUSTMENTS 11 Replies latest jw experiences


    THE RECENT WT STATES : If you don't follow, obey and listen to every word we say, and decide to change on a whim, you will be DFed and not allowed to see your family and friends!!! We dont care if we are wrong because we will just say the light is getting brighter and not apologize, and if you don't think the light is getting brighter you will be DFed, even if it comes out years later that you were right and we were wrong you will still be DFed!!! That's because we are just evil men not inspired by GOD but inspired by our own selfish hearts!!! So just follow us don't go through the pain and suffering of leaving or being DFed just stick it out and drink the kool aid... It will be much easier!!! If you don't understand things just talk to an elder so he can reprogram you, If you still dont understand things just keep it to yourself, it's ok because we don't undertand what we publish either!!! Just don't go doing your own research online trying to make sense of everything because then you will find out the truth and want to leave and tell all your family and friends and they will want to leave!!! So just keep going to meetings, out in service and studying only our publications to keep you so busy and brainwashed you dont have time to understand anything or let alone be to afraid to want to research our history and all the mistruths and lies we stated because we will DF you if you do so!!!

    Im sorry I was dreaming... the GB would never be that honest in a WT they just tell us the samething using subliminal words! LOL

  • clarity

    Hey that was pretty good! Keep posting...

    tell us about yourself ...don't post things that

    could 'out' you tho.

  • looter

    Clever. this is 100% easier to understand than any of their publications. But they don't want people to know the truth about them, of course.

  • quellycatface

    That rocks!!! Right on the chin.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Ouch!! So succintly and accurately put!!!!!

    Have you copyrighted this precise and truthful summary of the GB's views/attitudes, or am I free to copy/paste and use this whenever I want to?

    This just hits the mark perfectly, thanks!

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    My mother has told me she is confused, and "maybe I shouldn't have gone ahead with getting baptized." (No response from her, when I asked if she thought others were also confused, or are you too scared to ask?)

    My father recently visited and repeated the same statement 3 times: "They are smarter than me."

    The whole program from the WTS is based on confusion and blind obedience to those who supposedly "know better" than you, since you will never understand their articles and prophecies. (See July 15, 2013 Watchtower study edition for just one recent example).

    The true nature of this organization is so clear to any thinking person who will take the time to pay attention.

    They have used subliminal language, repetition of trigger words, fear tactics and false promises to lull my parents into numb submission. It is heartbreaking to watch this happen to them, and I hate to think of them giving their last good years to serving the organization.

    I am not losing hope that my family could wake up someday and reverse this very bad decision they made. The question remains in the minds of their children: Will they realize that they left true family love behind, to replace it with conditional love from "brothers" who will drop you like a hot potato, if you show even a sign that you still use your brain for something besides underlining the words of the Watchtower lesson?

    Your wording was much more straightforward and to the point, than any WT lesson I ever saw. You should apply to serve on Jehovah's writing department! I'm sure they don't want all their sheep to be confused all the time. The WT could definitely use an overhaul.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    And the saddest fact of the matter, is that if they did publish these statements, they would be gobbled up as "new light." What a relief it would be for people, to finally have thing stately with honesty and clarity.


    TS Your more than welcome to copy and paste.


    FW I know your position because I am in the same spot with my family, hopefully soon all will see the real TRUTH!

  • leaving_quietly

    We dont care if we are wrong because we will just say the light is getting brighter and not apologize, and if you don't think the light is getting brighter you will be DFed, even if it comes out years later that you were right and we were wrong you will still be DFed!!!

    Yes, the entire JW religion, instilled by words of WT publications is way more like the disciples in this instance.

    In response John said: “Instructor, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he is not following with us.” But Jesus said to him: “Do not YOU men try to prevent [him], for he that is not against YOU is for YOU.” - Luke 9:49,5-

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