The experience we had was something that could not be chalked up to some coincidental phenomenon. I don't care to discuss it on this thread as I have posted about it before and thoroughly discussed it. What was made evident to all of us is that something invisible and intelligent that undestands English, but doesn't read thoughts, exists. Whether it was something intelligent in another plane or dimension or a ghost or something else, I don't know. But I feel fortunate to have had the experience because I know there is more than what we see in front of us. There is more than meets the eye. If you haven't had that kind of luck or whatever you want to call it, maybe one day you will. I understand skepticism.
Did you ever have a supernatural experience?
by XPeterX 72 Replies latest jw friends
while discussing different things, I called out the name of Satan. Instantly, at that very second, we both physically ducked down as we each felt a terrifyingly evil presence upon us. It was an involuntary ducking down, just as you would if there was a nearby and unexpected explosion.
He looked at me with a "WTH just happened?"look. It was just as if the dark lord himself had come to see who was calling him. To say our flesh crawled is a huge understatement - it was truly fearful and I'll never forget it.
"It wasn't me, promise!" (Though I've now been told I'm not just a troll, but Satan, lol - I promise I wasn't that Satan)
I wasn't even there.
Here's a cynical rationalist's take on, Splash, your (sincere) recollection of events.
Basically, he - perhaps knowing your dub-dub connection - has had a good laugh at your expense, especially if the penny still hasn't dropped with you.
He was already alert to your state of mind. That you used the word "Satan" (I mean, who but kooks do??) suggests, if not confirms, the nature of what was being talked about so far.
Your friend didn't feel anything at all. You don't know he did. All you know is that he ducked and told you he had felt the presence.
His sharp intake of breath and deliberate ducking induced a very fast, adrenalin-based response in you. Evolution has equipped us to try and avoid danger very rapidly if we deduce its existence indirectly - e.g., from the reactions of neighbors. That you subconsciously have a fear of "Satan" (lol!) exacerbated the reaction.
His subsequent choice of words and actions simply mirrored how you reacted (a sort-of instantaneous cold-reading) plus what he planned.
Or perhaps you believe these disgusting TV programmes where someone pretends to talk to your dead loved-ones is other than a cold-reading fraud? The ones that always have "this is for entertainment only" in their bylines, to prevent later lawsuits?
I've tricked several people in not wholly dissimilar ways - all in good causes, needless to say, to show them how gullible they are. I invariably reveal the fraud to them afterwards, lest they go away thinking that Satan exists or some other such absurdity.
("SUPERnatural" Class)
This incident is obviously one of those things that cannot be proven or disproven.
I know how I felt at that moment, he knows how he felt at that moment, you know how you feel about that moment.I'm not going to defend it, there's no point. It's a bit like explaining away the 10 plagues on Egypt.
Appreciate your thoughts on it however, even though they were entirely expected.