Ok so this is a conversation that I am having with a friend that I really love. I have some points that I want to say but tell me, how would you respond to this email?
Not gonna try to defend anyone I can really only speak for myself. Girl, it was really hard to maintain contact with you in the beginning. Soon after you stopped coming, I felt like when I reached out to you via text/ phone calls you never responded. Then when we met up in person it felt awkward on both ends. So I decided that maybe email may have been a better way to communicate. So I was pretty happy that you responded! I really didn't want things to be awkward between us again and I didn't want you to feel like we couldn't talk again. It really is my hope that we can have an open and honest relationship. I know that the people that really care about you still miss you but some of them said that when they saw you it was just kinda awkward and I guess they didn't know where to go from there. I think it is unfair to put the blame solely on them though.
I'm so sorry that you went through all of that by yourself. I wish I could have helped you to carry that weight. I can't imagine what that conflict must have felt like. In terms of your pursuing secular education I don't think people condemned you for that. Is that the right word? Did you feel like that? Why I ask is that Asa is pursuing her degree and I also know of another sister (in our congregation) that is pursuing a Masters and I don't think they feel like that. I know the other sister said she was strongly discouraged from doing it but still she went ahead and I don't think that she necessarily feels judged. Again I don't know if that's the right word because I'm not too sure what exactly your feelings are concerning the reaction from the congregation. I do think your assumptions about the elders are incorrect though.
In terms of the second part of your email, you mentioned that you don't think that there is only one true religion. Can I ask what you think would constitute a true religion? Why I ask is that if you did a list right do you think many religions would fit? I feel like all religions teach so many varying things that it would be hard to come up with multiple religions that fit the same criteria. BUT something just occurred to me, would their doctrines play a major part on your list? So I'm not sure right, but in reading your e-mail, you made a comment about trying to be a person of principle and I got the impression that although you believe there is more than one true religion, you're not really interested in associating with any groups. Why I ask is that in the bible it speaks about association so that brings another question to mind - On your list does true religion necessarily have to follow the bible? I also noticed that you refer a lot to God and not Jehovah, is there any reason for that? (I hope that didn't come out bad! :/)
You highlighted a number of issues with the Witnesses and you say that they are not THE only true religion, but do you think they are one of them? I know that you are disappointed and disenchanted with this organization but I think you need to consider that there is no group of infallible people on the earth and no group is without its failings. I am not trying to justify any of it at all. I just hope that you know that in all religions you will find things that will disturb you and that you can not reconcile.
It is my belief though that there is only one true God and there can only be one acceptable religion to him. Remember the definition of religion - the way in which a group of people worship God. In examining the bible it has always been like that. In the days of Noah, only one group of people were saved. In the days of the Israelites only one group of people had Jehovah's approval. In the first century CE, only one group of people followed the teachings of Jesus. It stands to reason that today there can only be one group of people worshipping in the way that Jehovah approves. Each person must decide for himself which group that is.