Watchtower Study Science Class 101

by CaptainSchmideo 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    the memories, of the ancestors have to be recorded, transmitted somewhere at the smallest chemical level

    Why do they?

  • prologos

    because they have been, watch the monarchs, terns, swifts. they rely on transmitted, not learned instincts to migrate, would give them a migraine to learn it from scratch every non-overlapping generation. not all migrants do it in flocks.

  • cofty

    Genes regulate behaviour. Instincts like migration are not learned.

    When we learn things they produce chemical pathways in our brain, they don't rewrite the code in our sex cells.

  • Oubliette

    The blood contains ancient memories coded in the DNA. This has been known for years.

    Didn't Carl Jung promote some such idea with his concept of archetypes? It's clearly nothing more than pseudo-scientific wishful thinking. This idea is pretty much dismissed in modern psychology.

  • CaptainSchmideo

    I thank Jehovah for the beaches, since they keep the ocean from coming out of it's boundaries!
    I thank him for my skin, because it keeps (most of) the icky stuff inside.

    I thank him for paper, because the Bible is printed on it!

    I thank him for not allowing those planes to hit Brooklyn Bethel on 9/11.

  • rmt1
  • prologos

    so: did these migration pattens of some kinds/speciies, patterns that seem to have a breeding.feeding purpose,-- evolve?

    patterns that make use of the magnetic field, star/sun position,

    patterns that are all passed on to the next generation through the narrow window of the in-formation in the sperm & ovum?

    do these sex cells receive and then transmit that information?

    That would have been an impossible rebooting process after the climate changing, sky-view altering water-canopy downing/drowning event

  • chapstick
  • Jeffro


    The last 'expert opinion' on that page is downright stupid. The moronic comment about iPhones supposedly 'checking your heartbeat' (actually in reference to the fingerprint reader) has to be the worst part.

  • jgnat

    Actually migration can be learned. Here is how the Mountain Caribou do it. The calf follows the herd and is imprinted with the routes and habits. Once a local herd is wiped out, that route is permanently lost from the herd memory. One cannot introduce a herd of yearlings to follow the ancient pathways.

    The biological imperitave is to imprint. Canadian Geese and other birds do the same thing. They imprint on their caregiver shortly after birth. If it happens to be a human, well.

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