A thread a couple of weeks ago on this topic: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/267776/1/New-Outline-ELDERS-MEET-WITH-REGULAR-PIONEERS#.UqXnKFfNnG0
Elders Meet with Regular Pioneers 2014
by WatchTower87 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Searcher
Hi Splash - sorry to correct you, but I counted 25 direct/indirect references to the GB/FDS in that letter, not 14; you were being too kind!!
What a load of
Imitate the FDS / GB
Well, I can do a passable imitation of G. Jackson.
S. Lett is a bit more difficult, but I refuse to imitate
Anthony "Turn 'em into hot dogs" Morris III.