by ADJUSTMENTS 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finkelstein


    Mostly delusionaly ignorant.......or

    Pretentiously corrupt hiding behind the Watchtower Tower of righteousness.

    Along with this socialized delusion, there were some very nice people there but they were in minority.

  • dozy

    Brother Window Washer who worked a couple of days a week , claimed every welfare benefit under the sun & aux pioneered a few times a year so was regarded as "spiritual". Was the token male at the mid-week service arrangements who took the arrangment.

    Sister 30 something desperate to get married but no brothers available.

    Career couple - both work full time no kids in their late 30's - he has a job in IT , she does secretarial. work. He is pretty competent so is an elder - albeit doesn't do a lot , but regarded as sound because he is intelligent & can give a good talk. Nice house , car - holidays abroad.

    Sleazy smelly middle aged MS - has an eye for the ladies. Often nicknamed "Roving Mike" - liked to look down the sisters blouses on microphone duty.

    Permanently ill middle aged sister with undefinable medical issues. Doesn't want anyone to wear perfume or aftershave. Gullibly buys every "alternative medicine" from the quacks who sell a lot of products to JWs & have almost guru status among JWs.

    Kind decent old brother in his 70's who took sweets to the meetings & gave them to the kids. (Often nicknamed Brother Werther's Originals ).

    "Spiritual submarine" types - high maintenance families who turned up for several months at a time & then vanished , only to reappear again every couple of years.

    "Gorgeous young pioneer sister with a figure like Jessica Rabbit & knew it" that every congregation male secretly fancied & made the long boring meetings bearable. Hated by the sisters. Tight short dresses pushing the bounds of acceptabilty.

  • tiki

    i like dozy's list.....

    overweight and underexercised women perpetually bemoaning their imagined aches and pains....and heaving big sighs about how they can't wait for the new world to be perfect. people anxious to try any quack medicine idea that comes their way - i think that is a vestige from miracle wheat somehow.....even though most of them probably never heard of the stuff.

    elder's teenage sons who can get away with practically murder and are considered fine upstanding young brothers, blessed with "privileges"....and everyone knows what fakers they were.

    elders who are clueless who are appointed because they are members of a certain family.....

    and a lot of sweet innocents who are duped by a daydream

  • 3rdgen

    Old"confirmed batchlors", Menopausal man haters too ugly from the inside to snag a husband, Sisters on prozac (nearly all), sisters with Fibromyalga (nearly all) sisters with eating disorders, morbidly obese, people who eat garlic before the meeting and talk into your nose, elderetts who decide "the concience of the congregation".

  • whathappened

    There are the socialites who are always having parties and only inviting "the beautiful people."

    Also there is a fashion monitor that goes around telling other sisters that their neckline is too low, hemline too high,telling the young brothers their hair is too long, they need to shave, etc.

  • 3rdgen

    People who point out a small infraction in your child whose children are going apesh$!, Sister who looks like a nun, sister who looks like a hooker, sister who needs electrolisis, People who need deodrant, moochers always begging for discounts and freebies, multi-level-marketers, health-nuts, kooks.

  • whathappened

    Oh, I forgot about the couple that has a screaming kid who is constantly disrupting the meetings and is taken to the back for a good spanking.

  • JustVisting

    Dozy, that's funny as hell. We got 'em all here.

    Career couple except the wifey pioneers and drives a new Toyota Suv cause its's not too flashy. They're the couple that takes yearly retreats to a resort that US Presidents and other bigwigs go to.

    90ish fatherly treat-giving brother, yep got him.

    20-something cutie that always gets up during the WT study, yep got her too, nyuck, nyuck!

    Spiritual destitute disfunctional family, yes sir.

    Sleaze ball alchie MS, yes osiffer. In there.


  • dog is god
    dog is god

    Oh my. All kinds. All shapes. Most ok with the extremes on both ends of the scale. No boundaries. Hurt others with impunity...no remorse..never an acknowlegment. Just all in all a very unhealthy place to be.


    The 'new study' who wears Ill-fitting clothes, supposedly is 'trying to quit smoking' and makes scanty eye-contact. Appears to be one pancake short of a full stack.

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