Our C.O almost had a heart-attack on stage. 60% of our KH is irregular in field-circus. Pretty awesome. The sheep are getting tired of being prodded. What are they getting out it? Insta-friends that will drop you like a copy of COC the first chance they get? The chance of gaining the prospect of eternal life some day, only to wonder if they will be zapped by Brother Herd from heaven for thinking too much about boobies?!
Listened in on two Elders talking about my old congregation!
by RULES & REGULATIONS 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Searcher
The ORG will have a contingency plan to close/merge nearby Kingdom Halls when the numbers in one KH fail to provide sustainable income. It's all about revenue - like the Branches, if it's not lucrative, close it!
Get ready Bethelites everywhere - technology is fast becoming your nemesis! No love or loyalty from 'Mother'!
This is good news, lets hope it spreads. In my KH, the mid-week meetigs can be very sparse. Publisher average is only like 6 hours. Lol at DD! Zapped by Bro Herd, that was priceless
I have it on pretty good authority that at least nine congregations in just the Peace River area of northern Alberta have been disbanded/consolidated in just the past decade.
I'm not a big believer in coincidence.
My old congregation lost so many members that it has been disolved and the few remaining ones are back with the original cong. in another close city that they formed from. This cult's beliefs are so wacky and it's expectations so burdensome that it does not do well without an endtime date to instill zeal & purpose into it's members. 1975 is gone, "this generation" is gone....there currently is nothing to male them think Armaggedon is on the horizon, and thus it is easier for many to leave the cult.
I heard that nearly 50% hadn't reported last month in our old congo. Not sure whether that just meant late reporting or whether it was a regular thing or not. Wasn't going to jump in to ask and find out. Eyebrow-raising nonetheless. CO won't be impressed, that's for sure.
(Oh yeah, it IS possible for a sister to read the WT if there are no brothers. I used to fill in at the book study sometimes.)