Paul Walker on Atheism: How could anyone not believe?
by Joliette 24 Replies latest jw friends
He said, how could anyone not believe? I dont believe in god but I respect his opinion. His opinion is the majority of how people feel. Me, I just can't comprehend a god, and probably never will. After what happen with me and the watchtower, no no no. But if you believe in a god, thats your business, just dont put your god off on me.
Belief in a god made sense for many of us for much of our lives, and then it stopped. It stops for many reasons,because of tragedy or something from science.
Humans thought the earth stood still and the sun rotated, now we know better.
The sun rotates, but does not revolve around the earth, but
Miracle: in Joshuah's day the Earth stopped rotating, a hard braking from 800 miles perhour and accelerating again,
thats easier than doing it to the sun.
have fun.
Then Einstein comes along and tells us that the earth doesn’t really go round the sun either because motion is in fact relative. The fourth dimension of time means there is no such thing as a centre of the universe or anything else, because things are not really just three dimensions. Amazing how things have come full circle if you forgive the pun.
Then Einstein comes along and tells us that the earth doesn’t really go round the sun either because motion is in fact relative. The fourth dimension of time means there is no such thing as a centre of the universe or anything else, because things are not really just three dimensions.
The Watchtower Society says.....that the center of the universe is the Pleiades star system where Jehovah's throne is and where magic rays of nu-light come from.
Einstein is wrong, the Watchtower is right.
Frazzled UBM
What a stupid statement : 'How could anyone not believe?' That would be like an Atheist saying: 'How could anyone believe?' Niether believing or not believing are so obviously correct as to make either proposition reasonable.
Typical of the religious to try and take advantage of tragic deaths to push their beliefs.
How can anyone believe that crap?
Ray Comfort continues to sell his "argument from personal ignorance", saying that since he cannot understand how life could emerge without a God, no one else could possibly imagine it: therefore, "God Dun It!" is supposed to win out, since that's the ONLY other alternative in his mind (exclusion of all other alternatives, another common fallacy).
It would be laughable, if it weren't willful ignorance, and if Ray Comfort didn't straw-man atheists in the process (by claiming atheists believe "something came from nothing": that's absurd, since no one has experienced or demonstrated "nothing").
Here's a recent video on the Atheist Experience about the fallacious claim that all atheists believe "something came from nothing", and this caller just cannot get it through his thick skull that it's not the claim of atheists:
Frazzled UBM
Taken to its logical extreme people who believe in God also believe something came from nothing, that something being Jah. As I asked my wife: 'If Jehovah created everything, who created Jehvoah?' This got her thinking - I prompted her - 'It is the same creator as the creator of Allah, all the Hindu gods and all the pagan gods?' She looks suspicious - I say 'the answer is man '- which draws a scowl.