The Definition of Insanity: LOYALTY TO THE GOVERNING BODY

by Terry 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    The definition of insanity boils down to expecting success by repeating actions which cause failure.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are expected to prove their LOYALTY to the organization by believing and practicing what they are told.

    Does this lead to success or failure?

    Ask the thousands of loyal believers who were led to expect Armageddon in 1914, 1925, 1975!

    These were FAILURES. Not SUCCESSES.

    Should JW's continue to double-down on mistakes such as continued LOYALTY to an organization that cannot back up its own claims?

    Why would repeating the actions which caused failure be expected to cause success?

    Jehovah's Witnesses are confronted with prospects of persecution by odd doctrinal views that set them at odds with others.

    Being obstinate about quirky views is a badge of their FAITH.

    From 1968 through 1975 the test of FAITH was telling the world about a momentous fiction described as THE END OF 6,000 YEARS OF HUMAN EXISTENCE.

    It was, of course, utterly silly and a non-event which totally back-fired. Why? Because it was superficially linked to ARMAGEDDON

    A rational and sane person learns from mistakes.

    Jehovah's Witnesses doubled-down on this public embarassment.

    They refused to acknowledge it as false-prophecy. Instead, they viewed it as a mere demonstration of faithful zeal!!

    This was a test of SANITY! The people who doubled-down expecting success from failure are still inside the Kingdom Halls.

    Being compelled to remain LOYAL to error is the same as being forced to become insane.

    Without the ability to CHANGE from error to new behavior we lose the corrective mechanism that is survival for sanity.

    Is FAITH in the Governing Body not just learning to double-down on your mistakes?

    Doesn't this make you a LOSER?

    Ask yourself the following questions:

    If you go door to door informing people about events which do not happen you are misleading them, right?

    If you yourself are misled into doing it isn't that because you are Loyal to those who are misleading you?

    Okay, now the HARDEST QUESTION OF ALL:

    If the Governing Body is misleading you--who is misleading them?

    You cannot be responsible for their insanity or malfeasance or errors of reasoning, you can only be responsible for your own.

    If you are expected to be LOYAL to people who are misleading you--just how SANE is that?

    How honest?

    How responsible?

    If you have ever been told something is TRUE because God said it---and it turns out to be false---who is misleading who?

  • Terry

    Where are the intelligentsia in the organization, by the way?

    Who are the great thinkers?

    Who are the movers and shakers?

    Oops, there aren't any!

  • nonjwspouse


    I really like this one

    If the Governing Body is misleading you--who is misleading them?

  • JakeM2012

    Terry, great questions as to why people continue to put trust in the governing body (or watchtower BTS) with the total failure rate that they have sustained for over 130 years. WTBTS has sustained a 130 year snipe hunt! Unbelievable!

    What logical reason is there to put faith in anything they say, print, or even alude to? Their ponzi scheme is greater than Berni Madoff's, but unfortuneately no one is going to jail.

  • eyeuse2badub


    Great post as usual. The reason we are all here on this forum is because we are no longer deceived! Just playing out the 'string' until the family sees ttatt!


  • abiather

    I liked your phrase:

    "a test of SANITY."

  • Vidiot

    Definately explains why the WTS seems to be growing increasingly unhinged...

    "Doubling down" is an absolutely spot-on description of what they do; the End-Times-religion business has always been - in its own way - a high-stakes poker game.

  • Terry

    I actually had a loyal JW say this to me, "Don't cloud the issue with facts!"

    Ri-i-i-i-i-ght, we wouldn't want to do that.

    Loyalty is the last refuge of those without facts or truth to support them.

    A dog will be loyal to the end to the master unworthy of its love, but humans--unlike dogs--have moral choices.

  • quellycatface

    I remember a line in a James Bond movie once, "nobody ever leaves the KGB". I wonder if it was the GB, what the "K" would stand for??

    It's pretty much a true statement as well!!!!

  • Ruby456

    "The definition of insanity boils down to expecting success by repeating actions which cause failure.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are expected to prove their LOYALTY to the organization by believing and practicing what they are told.

    Does this lead to success or failure?

    Ask the thousands of loyal believers who were led to expect Armageddon in 1914, 1925, 1975!

    These were FAILURES. Not SUCCESSES."

    Terry, stark refraction and very true - i like it

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