I agree with both you guys, but whats the end game agenda?
The answer for me, comes on realising that armageddon is not coming, and its not coming fast!
Blues brother, they are slowing the religious element of the organisation down, meetings literature and assemblies are reducing, whilst increasing their involvment in the financial world, they are considered 'institutional investors' to hedge funds now.
i think the compiund in the country is nothing more than disconnecting from public sight. I have no doubt someone is planning a long term goal of mass transfer of serious amounts of cash. keep in mind they are more financially powerful than many nations now, they have serious cash And power. They play in different playgrounds now, brussels, the UN, they are global players. If they invest the billion alone they have made from property sales worldwide this last 3 years...in ten years time, we are talking mega mega rich, but more importantly mega powerful. These men thrive on power. They are already world players, I dont think they will be able to say no to the temptation of real power.
i dont think the long term goal involves a mass religious movement anymore, I think the evidence of that is already visible They already have started acting like they dont care what the rank and file think. I am suprised to hear myself say all this, it sounds very conspiratorial, but simply.... What does a charity/religion need all that money for, all the while, doing NO charity work with it, instead investing it AND .....reducing their religious activity. Is their end goal religious anymore? Richer than ever, yet doing less religious activity than ever before!
I sincerely think its not About religion anymore... the doctrines are rehashed old ones, with a few adjust,ents to buy time... they have offered no unique spiritual doctrine for decades now.
This compound in warwick, its beautiful land, bethelites serve 4 years then go, its the lifers, the real WT power holders who are building a home for themselves there. I guarantee there are homes and property being built for the Watchtower elite, quite seperate from the factory and offices.
I cant decide who is running all this, I see the governing body as puppets that mutter the religious doctrine, but the lawyers and legal and treasury department clearly have some significant power. In the last 15 years they have turned a religion into a world dominating corporation. They even managed to get every JW in the world to vote and approve it all, despite, not one having the informed consent to do so.