Blood Policy

by cyrano 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyrano

    I think the old men at Brooklyn are in a bind when it comes to the blood policy. So many JWs have lost their lives from this policy that if the Borg suddenly did a 180 and allowed transfusions, there would be thousands of mad family members asking too many questions and probably too many law suits.

    I think they know it's a dumb-ass policy but their overpaid lawyers are probably telling them to stick with it to avoid massive class-action suits. Like everything else in Brooklyn, the All-Mighty Dollar has the final word.

  • Fredhall


    So many people lost their lives because of blood transfusions.

  • dungbeetle

    All they have to do is to no longer 'take action' against someone who has had a blood transfusion. It's that simple.

    No one is going to get upset if Watchtower does NOT get their big lawyers into court and force a father to deny tratment for his daughter. Just as many JW's are upset at that big blunder of a PR move as the whole rest of the world.

    They just need to shut up. Don't ask, don't tell. Simply stop taking action against anyone who gets blood through a court order. I think the elders will be happy to not have to get involved in these issues anymore, they do have families and stuff and plenty enough to do in the organization without gettting dragged into these absolutely FUTILE court cases where the kids gonna get the blood and that's the end of it.

    the only problem is, these d**kheads WANT persecution so badly, and in this world of religious tolerance bordering on acceptance--


    What is wrong with this wicked world anyway...

  • Fredhall


    You don't know a dickhead when you see one.

  • Elsewhere
    So many people lost their lives because of blood transfusions.

    OMG! We better BAN all blood transfusions! [8>]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Francois

    If they'd do a don't ask, don't tell I wouldn't be satisfied. I would want from today forward that blood not be mentioned again in ANY publication - including the KM publication. Not a word. Not one. Not from any platform for any reason at any time from now until the last syllable of recorded time. Nada. Not one more fuckin' word.

    They're just plain wrong.

    God, the real one, doesn't care one whit about blood. He cares about Love. He cares about everyone showing it to one another - and to him. And don't start on me about "well, if you love god, you wouldn't break his commandments, and blood...." I don't want to hear it.

    Blood was only important to ancient savage people and their ancient savage Gods. Everywhere on this planet. The Aztec gods, the Mayan Gods, The Sioux Gods, the Eskimo gods, the gods of the primitive yellow men and the Vedic gods. All these savage gods were just crazy about blood.

    And in the case of the Greaaaaaaat Jehovah, he was also interested in FORE-fucking-SKINS. What kind of majestic maker of the universe of universes and suns beyond counting and all the beauty of the heavens cares about foreskins, for christ's sweet sake?

    The GB needs to DROP the blood policy. Today. Now. They should uncork some of that money they've got and send out a telegram to every congregation in the world and JUST DROP IT.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Well said, dungbeetle!

  • cyrano

    To dungbeetle,

    Maybe they should adopt a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Hear no evil.. see no evil..

    A lot of lives would be saved if they would just lay off the blood issue, but they've taken such a hard-ass stance against it for so many years, I don't know if they think they can "save face". You know how they are when it comes to pawning off mistakes.

    This problem isn't like any other. They've made the blood issue so important to them, like it supposedly separates them from the world.
    I don't know that even the brainwashed J'dubs wouldn't start getting suspicous.

    Other doctrines, like voting, oral sex, 1914 etc.. they can change these easily because there's little reprecussions. I hope for the sake of all those innocent lives the WTS drops it, maybe quietly, but I have my doubts.

  • Francois

    "So many people lost their lives because of blood transfusions."

    Perhaps, Fred. But you know what? It was their decision to make. Theirs. Not some disembodied group of uninvolved old men clinging to the old ways in Brooklyn.

    I can see the toothless old bastards now, gumming their oatmeal, "Young whippersnappers. Think they know everything. We'll kick 'em out if they transfuse. Then no one will talk to 'em. Maybe even their wive's will divorce 'em. Families will be ruined. Friends deserted. What a great way for us to show love for Jehovah. Keep enforcing this man-made interpretation for his sake. Just think how happy he'll be when he gets home all tired and sweaty after a whole day of making a new universe and finds out we disfellowshipped another one for taking blood. He'll be so happy. I so much wish we could offer him some foreskins."

    "Pass the milk. This oatmeal is too thick."

    Fuck off Fred.


  • simwitness

    FredHall said:


    You don't know a dickhead when you see one.

    Well Fred, I sure do. Have you looked in a mirror lately?

    Also, Fred, show me the numbers...
    How many people have been killed because of a blood transfusion compared to the number that have been saved via one?

    Secondly, I would put forward that those needing blood transfusions are already in danger of dieing to begin with and the blood transfusion itself simply "wasn't enough".

    You make a comment, you better back it up, with COLD HARD FACTS, not WTBS bull.....

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