If they'd do a don't ask, don't tell I wouldn't be satisfied. I would want from today forward that blood not be mentioned again in ANY publication - including the KM publication. Not a word. Not one. Not from any platform for any reason at any time from now until the last syllable of recorded time. Nada. Not one more fuckin' word.
They're just plain wrong.
God, the real one, doesn't care one whit about blood. He cares about Love. He cares about everyone showing it to one another - and to him. And don't start on me about "well, if you love god, you wouldn't break his commandments, and blood...." I don't want to hear it.
Blood was only important to ancient savage people and their ancient savage Gods. Everywhere on this planet. The Aztec gods, the Mayan Gods, The Sioux Gods, the Eskimo gods, the gods of the primitive yellow men and the Vedic gods. All these savage gods were just crazy about blood.
And in the case of the Greaaaaaaat Jehovah, he was also interested in FORE-fucking-SKINS. What kind of majestic maker of the universe of universes and suns beyond counting and all the beauty of the heavens cares about foreskins, for christ's sweet sake?
The GB needs to DROP the blood policy. Today. Now. They should uncork some of that money they've got and send out a telegram to every congregation in the world and JUST DROP IT.