Several years back, when I was already starting my fade, my wife and I hosted lunch for our substitute CO and his wife. He and his wife, both born-in JWs were in their 40's. They were a very nice, warm, and enjoyable couple and they really enjoyed all the children in our congregation. They, however, had 'put off' having children "for the sake of Lord". During lunch, the conversation turned to their upbringing as JWs. The brother related a story of how his best friend's son had been in an auto accident and lost a significant amount of blood. As the story went on, both he and his wife mentioned that the only thing that saved the boy's life was a court ordered blood transfusion. It kind of blew me away that they both he and his wife would admit such a thing since it "violates" WTBTS company policy! I'm pretty sure that this brother had picked up on my attitude toward 'da TRUTH' and I think that he and his wife were sort of letting me know that they also had seen ttatt. I wonder if he is still a dub?