Ohio woman thanks lawyer for saving her life 36 years ago from Jehovah's Witnesses

by Watchtower-Free 28 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • eyeuse2badub

    Several years back, when I was already starting my fade, my wife and I hosted lunch for our substitute CO and his wife. He and his wife, both born-in JWs were in their 40's. They were a very nice, warm, and enjoyable couple and they really enjoyed all the children in our congregation. They, however, had 'put off' having children "for the sake of Lord". During lunch, the conversation turned to their upbringing as JWs. The brother related a story of how his best friend's son had been in an auto accident and lost a significant amount of blood. As the story went on, both he and his wife mentioned that the only thing that saved the boy's life was a court ordered blood transfusion. It kind of blew me away that they both he and his wife would admit such a thing since it "violates" WTBTS company policy! I'm pretty sure that this brother had picked up on my attitude toward 'da TRUTH' and I think that he and his wife were sort of letting me know that they also had seen ttatt. I wonder if he is still a dub?


  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    that shit just makes my asshole burn.

  • Vidiot

    eyeuse2badub - "As the story went on, both he and his wife mentioned that the only thing that saved the boy's life was a court ordered blood transfusion. It kind of blew me away that they both he and his wife would admit such a thing since it "violates" WTBTS company policy!"

    I totally believe it.

    When I was a JW kid, I was more aware than most that the Canadian government would very likely step in do whatever they needed to do to keep me alive regardless of my family's religious preferences, and I was secretly very relieved. I never had that feeling of indestructiblity that most teenagers seem to have; my awareness of my own mortality was very much present.

    As I got older, it occurred to me that there must have been at least some Canadian JW parents who felt the same way with regards to their kids, too.

  • JWdaughter

    My cousin had a court ordered BT and I think that while it did not save him, it was a relief for his parents, not a burden or sorrow that he did get it. since there was the court ordered bit (too late) they had a huge turnout to the memorial and they were the celebrities of the moment. They both left. He has since died and she has a nice boyfriend. I don't know any of their kids who is still a JW. About 11 total, so, thats pretty good!

  • Watchtower-Free
  • Watchtower-Free

    Her Mom has a story a retired nurse

    Here's her comment on the USA Today article website "i think it is time for me to comment on this subject, after all i lived it. i was 23 years old when carol and julie were born. i had been pregnant 7 times and lost 3 other babies. i was at that time in my life a prisoner to my husband and to the religion he chose. during the week that both twins were alive i asked the doctors for alternative measures, anything to keep my girls alive. most of this time i was kept in the dark as to what was happening. it was a 5 days before i even saw the girls, julie died just a few hours after being given the transfusion, i never even held her. i left my former husband the year after the twins were born because he was an abusive tyrant, all with the blessings of the jw. while the children were visting him on a vacation, he left fl and vanished for 8 years. i lost my kids for 8 years ! the jw hid him in az. i found them when they were teens. my present husband raised them to be the adults they are now."


  • 3rdgen

    WOW! Watchtowerfree, Thanks for posting

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Thanks for posting this. Being a Master of the non-sequiter, I must ask, "Why did Carolyn Ivey's Dad go to prison for the rest of his life?"

    This becomes even more meaningful as the WTB&TS s-l-o-w-l-y backs away from the blood issue. Soon they will claim they never forbid blood just as they now claim 1975 never happened. Good thing they're not a cult.

  • 3rdgen

    Nathan N, you took the words right out of my mouth!

  • wasblind

    The WTS S-L-O-W-L-Y backs away from the blood issue___Nathan Natas

    Exactly Nate

    Case and point :

    They taught Micheal Jackson the Moon Walk


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