Love is a stupid bunch of chemicals released to ensure that we have kids

by usualusername 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortenzie

    I think that everybody has their own idea about what love is. There are different kinds of love, and there are different words to describe them more accurately: warm affection, charity, sexual passion... I preffer to use the more accurate words. But when I use the word "love" I mean a strong liking for someone that moves me to do good to that person (usually it has nothing to do with sex).

  • DeWandelaar

    What is actually funny is that God gave a commandment to make kids but was probably to inassured if they would do what he commanded so he implanted all that chemical goofy stuff so they would go bouncy bouncy and not able to fight against it. What is the use of the commandment :P


    I think love is different from a man wanting to frack every woman he sees. I think there is a lot of confusion over caring for a person's well being and choosing to live with them and raise a family and wanting sex to pass on genes which is mostly chemical and hormonal in nature. This is why men, whilst happily married, still have the desire to have sex with every hot woman he sees. Come on men, confess, the desire is in all of us. Fortunately most men dismiss the thoughts.

  • Apognophos

    Humans have developed genuine compassion.

    Compassion is compassion, there's no "fake" or "genuine' version of it. What is changing (slowly) is that people are seeing themselves as part of a broader and broader "tribe", so that they naturally tend to have compassion for a wider range of people. It's still a matter of "safety in numbers", a primitive instinct that tells us that guarding our kith and kin makes us safer and will preserve our tribe's pool of genes. It's just natural selection at work, as tribes that lacked this "glue" did not thrive. It may warm our hearts to see compassion at work, but that's because our hearts are programmed to feel that way.

    The whole point is to make babies, obviously, but what about when those chemicals are no longer around and people stay together for decades, perhaps half a century taking care of each other? Looking after their children together. That's love.

    So animals that mate for life also feel love like humans do? The chemicals that drive long-term relationships may be different, but monogamy is also hard-wired instinct just like polygamy. Some animals are better off focusing on reproduction with as many partners as possible, whereas some species, like ours, thrive when parents are around to teach children, and grandparents are around to instruct the tribe with their accumulated experience.

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