What is going on???
My initial withdrawal from the cult about 5 years ago or so, was as a fader, but now there is no doubt i am so over the cult, having publicly sat on the board of the local PFLAG chapter! my bumper stickers declare DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK and STOP THE VIOLENCE; LEGALIZE MARIJUANA (also a generic PFLAG sticker)... i am out and i aint coming back and i denounce the cult as a cult, i never call it anything else...
Today at the local food co-op a congregant saw me and bee-lined it over to HUG ME! SHE HUGGED ME IN PUBLIC and whispered in my ear "it is GOOD TO SEE YOU!"....
i have had the brief nod or mouthed hello in public settings before, from a variety of the local congregants but this is over the top
why am i not on the shit list??? i earned it!!!