Who is the faithful and discreet slave?

by wearewatchingyouman 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rattigan350

    "who else is giving food in these days to God's people?""

    Why do we need food at all? Then the response would be, that we need physical food to live.

    Jesus' sacrifice atones for our sins. Not food based.

    My problem is that they base everything on one scripture, which we don't know they full context. There may be more or less

    that Jesus said about that.

    Should we care about what the master says more than what a slave says?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Let me see.................................

    (Romans 14:12) So, then, each of us will render an account for himself to God.

    (Matthew 12:36) I tell YOU that every unprofitable saying that men speak, they will render an account concerning it on Judgment Day;

    (Romans 14:10) But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God;

    (2 Corinthians 5:10) For we must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of the Christ, that each one may get his award for the things done through the body, according to the things he has practiced, whether it is good or vile.

    (1 Peter 4:5) But these people will render an account to the one ready to judge those living and those dead.

    Nope, didn't think so, but just wanted to make sure: there ain't a single verse which says any Org or self-appointed group claiming to speak for God Almighty will take responsibility for my lifestyle/conscience, when the time comes!

    All Christians are 'slaves' of Christ, and as such, will render an account to the Master of the Household - not to other jumped-up slaves within the household!

    (Luke 17:10) So YOU, also, when YOU have done all the things assigned to YOU, say, ‘We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.’"

  • gorgia2


    I wish you all the best for your chat with your dad. Its so scary how intense the 'governing body worship' is getting in the Org. I imagine trying to talk to my super-JW aunts about this & I can see their blank stares.


  • Londo111
  • Oubliette

    You might want to remind your dad that for nearly 100 years the FDS was all of "the anointed" (currently living) as a group (although that's not what Russell or Rutherford taught, but I digress). Suddenly, a year ago--although most JWs didn't learn about it until the July 15th, 2013 WT was studied in September--the "understanding" of the identity of the FDS was changed to be just the GB as a group. The reason given was profoundly simple. Someone, (we don't know who because they chose to remain anonymous as a loving example of their humility, but we can surmise it was one of the GB members, likely all of them as a group that), decided to do some "further careful study" of the scriptures and engage in an undisclosed amount of "prayerful meditation" and that's what they discovered!

    • However, further careful study and prayerful meditation indicate that our understanding of Jesus’ words about the faithful and discreet slave needs to be clarified. - WT, 7/15/2013, p. 20, paragraph 3.

    Isn't that amazing!

    Don't you just love these humble brothers for engaging in all that further careful study and prayerful meditation so we don't have to? It must be exhausting for them. Although I do kinda' wonder why they didn't do it for the last 100 years .... ?

    Those, my friend, are the inarguable facts of historical JW "theology."

    I for one certainly think that this concept absolutely proves that I should blindly obey whatever is published in the latest WT and absolutely conform all my life choices to be in harmony with everything that the GB/FDS says, whether it makes sense or not, seems strange or unusual and whether I agree with it or not.

    • At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. - WT, 11/15/2013, p. 20, paragraphs 17. [Emphasis added]
    • At that time, the direction that you receive from Jehovah’s organization may seem strange or unusual. But all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether we agree with them or not, because obeying these instructions will save our lives - WT, 11/15/2013, p. 20, paragraphs 17, Stupefied version. [Emphasis added]

    The fact that they were wrong about their own prophetic identity for the last century only proves what humble guys we have leading us. This "New Light" is from Jehovah, and it is amazing in our eyes!

    How grateful we are to have these humble brothers leading us so we don't have to do any thinking on our own.

    And by the way, don't even start thinking about getting any Higher Education and trying to learn things on your own. That is bad. Very bad! Bad, bad, bad!!!

    • If any are putting their trust in the education of this world, material things, or human organizations, they must change their way of thinking now. You must be ready to help any who may not be putting their complete trust in Jehovah. - WT, 11/15/2013, p. 20, paragraphs 17, Stupefied version.

    Your dad is absolutely right to put his complete trust in Jehovah and his earthly organization which is lovingly directed by the FDS/GB!


  • pixel

    FDS - Just a parable. Nothing more. Not a prophecy.


    Jws worship the GB/Org, no doubt about it. Saying that Jesus was the ultimate FDS makes sense. Who is feeding God's household or sheep? Even according to the WTBTS the Bible is THE source of spiritual food.

    So the question is, can humans in a specific publishing company that has only been in existence for 100+ years really claim to be THE FDS? According to the WTBTS, only the FDS can distribute spiritual food, it's their "identifying mark." If that is true, then how did we get the Bible? How did the ultimate source of spiritual food spread across the globe before the WTBTS even existed? Who made of the councils of the early Church? Who were Tyndale, Wycliff, and other "Bible Heroes?" What were they distributing in their lifetimes?


  • wearewatchingyouman

    @DD - One more little factoid that was brought up in another thread the other day is Russell wasn't the FDS and the annointed body as a whole aren't the FDS, as was once taught, so the whole 1914 thing didn't even come ferom the FDS. Basically, their most important teaching and the biblical conon, the supposed cornerstones of their religion, were spiritual food provided outside the FDS.


    Once you start to be objective and reason on the teachings of the JW's, they just fall apart. They have never been right about anything. Everything has needed to be "adjusted" and "clarified." That's not very confidence inspiring. God's one true "prophet-like" organization should have a better batting average. No wonder the GB likes the JWs to be poor and uneducated. Information control and the threat of shunning are probably the only things keeping the Org in existence. It was true in Hayden Covington's day, and the Org is even more controlling now.

    It's mind boggling that 1914 didn't come from the FDS, at least it is to me..

  • wantingtruth

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