Tec, I have been talking to God daily for more than 20 years, listening for answers, or any kind of communication from God, Jesus, Spirit, anyone... And... Nothing!
And don't say it's me, because I truly believed. (Now, not so much).
Could be you just didn't recognize Him, or how the Spirit speaks. He was speaking to me before I knew His voice. I just never realized that He was supposed to speak, or that it was even possible, so I never thought I could have been hearing Him. That is what I have been told by others who hear Him also.
Hi Tec. What do you see in these visions and dreams? What does christ say to you?
I have never had a vision. I know someone who has though. In dreams, I will sometimes recieve an answer to something I have asked or even direction to do something, but was unable to hear otherwise (for whatever reason).
"Why do you complain to him that he answers none of man's words?
For God does speak - now one way, now another - though man may not percieve it.
In a dream, in a vision of hte night,
when deep sleep ffalls on men as they slumber in their beds..." Job 31:13-15
love it to hear how Christians think Jesus really DOES communicate with mankind today - pity he’s so selective and leaves out all the Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews etc etc.
Not everyone WILL or will WANT to hear Him. But He speaks to all. He is standing at the door and knocking. Some cannot hear Him.
And where are the prophets like Noah, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah etc, who he spoke to audibly so they didn't have to interpret visions?
He speaks the same way now, as when the prophets of old also heard. And there were plenty of visions that these ones were also given, though it is not for men to interpret them... until/unless the Spirit (Chirst) explains/enables one to do so.
Come on Tec! Have you noticed how these floaty jesus lovers NEVER answer a direct question?
I answer direct questions. I don't always give personal specifics, mind you.
What does his / her voice sound like Tec.
Quiet, calm, sure.
Tec, does it work like this?
Nothing is showing up on my end.