Nervousness While Commenting?

by schlick 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • schlick

    Was always shy about public speaking of any kind. When I commented, my heart would beat as rapid as a moving train. And oh if it was something I tried to remember then it would be forgotton the second being put on the spot.

    Now even after knowing that this organization is full of chewstone, I remain nervous when commenting. I thought I would not be scared anymore since knowing it is all rubbish but I'm just as nervous as ever or even more. Maybe since I know it is phony?

    By the way, any tips on how to minimize nervousness when commenting period?

  • snare&racket

    I'm not sure people will give you advice on how to comment and promote false ideas in the JW religion, by encouraging you to comment. You are either part of the solution or the problem.

    Maybe your nervous because you think the people around you are better than you, that they will judge you. Well you have firgured out a lot more than they have about the Watchtower beliefs for a start!

    if you are going to be nervous anyway, why not drop some little doozies into your answers. If you insist you must keep answering, only let your conscience allow you to answer things you know to be true.

  • LisaRose

    One thing that helps me is to practice the comment out loud to yourself first, so it becomes more automatic. Next, before your comment, do a few relaxation breaths. One that works for me is to breath in slowly for a 8 seconds, hold it for 8, then breath out slowly for 8. Do this a few times. Managing your breathing is very good for calming yourself.

    Often people are nervous because they are afraid of what people may think of them if they do it wrong. Knowing you can blank out and forget your comment makes it worse, your fear makes it more likely you will blank out. Keep in mind that other people are far less interested in your comment and whether you fail or not than you are. What may seem like a huge deal to you is probably not even on their radar, so keep that in mind.

    This kind of self consciousness is very common, especially among introverts. I used to suffer from this myself, I was very shy and self conscious as a child. My mom told me that I burst into tears because a stranger said hello when I was really young. As I got older it got better. I hated the door to door thing though, I never got comfortable with it, but commenting at meetings was not that bad to me. Practice helps too, the more you do it the easier it is.

  • quellycatface

    Just think of the average intelligence of each person. Not impressive, is it??

    Or as someone suggested once, just pretend they are all cabbages when you're on the platform. All you can see are cabbages.

  • Phizzy

    If you find the Elder conducting the Q&A session is intimidating, just imagine that under that cheap suit he is wearing sexy stockings and a suspender belt.

    It somehow makes him seem so ridiculous, or actually, it makes him look in the mind as silly as he really is !

  • jgnat

    No need to be nervous about repeating a WBT$ Approved scripted answer..

    Maybe not repeating the WBT$ Approved scripted answer correctly..

    Is what makes you nervous..


    .....................................................I love the WBT$ Rock Star GB Popes!..


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  • crmsicl

    In my 30+ years of being a JW I can count on one hand the times I commented. I could never figure out how to put that drivel in my own words. I felt so bad about it. Now I realize that I couldn't do it because it sounded so hokey, I'm so proud of myself now.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I never commented. What is there to say? Repeating the WT word for word is so second grade readingish. In my KH, most had trouble repeating the WT word for word. Our crowd was functionally illiterate. Besides I never felt that anyone wanted to hear from me. I was young. When I became a teen, it became hard not to comment b/c the text was outrageous. I needed to discipline myself not to tell them off. My big fear was losing control and being arrested or thrown out of my parents' home with no place to go.

    If you have the same problem in the normal world, you probably suffer from social anxiety. It can be treated. It is important to take part in discussions in normal life.

    The KH is not a normal environment. I vividly recall cliques. There was an "in" crowd. They were "in" in their own eyes.


    The KH is not a normal environment. I vividly recall cliques. There was an "in" crowd. They were "in" in their own eyes.....BOTR

    .Maybe we`ll let him Hang out with Us......................They know I`m Cool..

    ....................He looks Cool..................................................Right??!!..


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