Is there an official name for this comedic device?

by Island Man 24 Replies latest social humour

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Is there an official name for the comedic device where one replaces one word with another word having a similar pronounciation but a different (usually derisive) meaning?

    For example, some skeptics deride the bible by spelling it "buy-bull". Same or simliar pronounciation but entirely different meaning. Here are some examples I have heard in the X-JW community:

    Washtowel Babylon Trash Society



    Circus Oversneer


    Faith-fooled Indiscreet Slave

    Hateful Indiscreet Slave

    Kingdumb Hell

    Joseph Ratherfraud

  • snare&racket

    Miniskirted Serpant

  • LisaRose

    A pun or play on words.

  • breakfast of champions
  • Phizzy

    I suppose we ought to invent our own word for it ! Mrs Malaprop did it unintentionally, these are intentional so perhaps more akin to a pun. But Punning realy invloves using homophones, words that sound (almost) the same but have a different meanings i.e "we were Camping so the excitement was intents".

    What the good people of JWN have done is to invent new words that sound like the original, but add a humerous meaning.

    What could we we call these ? as they are based on "Theocratese", the esoteric language of JW's ? "Theotease" comes to mind. Or, as it is taking the piss out of Dubspeak, perhaps "Dubtease".

  • rmt1

    If a theo exists it wouldn't have the first thing to do with that gang of fools. How about, real-estate-ocracy, or edict-ocracy, or dogma-ocracy. And real-estate-tese, edict-tese or dogma-tese.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Shit for brains.

  • Oubliette

    In addition the the above comments I add the descriptors: ridicule and sarcasm.

  • love2Bworldly

    You guys crack me up........ I sometimes use

    Jdumbs, also Jehoovers Witlesses

  • Hortensia

    pun if deliberate, malapropism if not

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