LEGACY- Interesting views you express. Thanks for expressing those views. Even with the media coverage of child abuse scandals , yes indeed- most JW's just bury their heads in the sand thinking that " Jehovah will handle any wicked child molesters in the organization, somehow, someway. " They don't sit and think that MAYBE, just MAYBE the problem is with the WT leadership and how corrupt THEY are. Because individual JW's have had their minds conditioned through mind control NOT to question WT authority . That's one big reason they stay and don't leave the organization. That- and the fact they have family & friends still inside. Indeed they may ave left non-Witness family & friends to become a JW , but if they went BACK to the " world " I guarantee you many of those non-Witness friends would accept them back. I know. It happened for me in reestablishing former friendships. Interesting point you make how some JW's stiffen up during meetings and their body language shows that they don't believe it. I hope some of those people leave in time to gain freedom of mind again. LOUBELLE- - I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and happy my friend ! Good for you ! The freedom of mind we gain and unconditional friendships with non-Witnesses who will stand by us through thick and thin- are just SO valuable ! I hope your life continues very appily ! Thanks for the well wishes to my wife and I , we really appreciate it friend. I wish everything good for you too ! Take care
10 Years out of the JW Organization- What I've Learned ( For what it's Worth)
by flipper 100 Replies latest jw friends
@ Flipper,
You are so correct. I have many worldly friends, one doesn't like witnesses but she had a bad experience with them. So I don't fault her. We talk everyday. My friends & I respect one another, how we worship is our own business. I will keep them as long as we have respect among one another. I dont' try to change them nor do they try to change me. We have been friends for over 20 yrs. Of course the friends at the hall say, watch your association, but I told them if my friends were so influential, I would have never come to the hall, so if they didn't keep me from coming to the hall, they can't pull me out...Only I can do that. I pray to God daily to say, if this is not the right place for me, let me know...& so I trust God & trust he will direct me in the right direction. When you come to think of it, even our parents told us to watch out who we hang out with, that you are judged by the company you keep. So the witnesses are not saying anything new.
I think many would like to go back to the world but it was them that pulled away from their family & friends & very adamant about being a witness. Imagine you being so convinced that where you are is the Truth & you have maybe not been so nice to folks once you decided ..THIS IS THE TRUTH... then you sit in the hall & hear all the changes & say, um, this may not be the absolute truth, how do you go back after you have hurt folks feelings because of your beliefs, how do you go down the road again. You are right, many would find that the world would gladly embrace them again, but they may have made them enemies & feel shame, so they can't even approach them. There is a saying the same folks you meet going up are the same ones you meet going down...most of the would have to eat crow....Example....You go door to door & go to your friends & family & say...Jehovah is his name...I know because...the bible says so & so does God's org, & if you don't believe how I believe we can't be friends or family, then one day the org. says by us doing more research, we have found that Jehovah is not his name...now all those folks you knew before & were hitting them over the head with the bible, how do you go back to them ...what can you say...when you delivered the message, what was your attitute, was it humble so that one day you could come back & say you were wrong or was your attitude proud & haughty & maybe down right rude...see my point...so many may want to come back but they made too many enemies...
Again, thanks for replying...you are the only one on this site that replies to my comments, but that's ok. In this world & on the internet world you have to be thick skinned. Don't you agree ?
LEGACY- I'm happy to hear that you have many non-Witness friends. Good for you. It will give you a broader world view and access to different information to reason on other than just WT Society verbage. Also- I understand the point you make about it being hard to go back into the " world " after giving it all up, friends, etc. to get into the Witnesses. However - With my boyhood friend I had in elementary and High School I was able to apologize to him in a humble manner because my JW wife at the time in 1979 would NOT allow me to invite my high school buddy to our wedding. So when I reconnected with him in 2008 I called him and apologized to him for that slight explaining I had been trapped in a mind control cult and I finally exited it and wanted to make amends with him. He was SO accepting towards me and we have kept in touch and he's going to add some bass guitar to a new CD or record I'm recording of music I've written. So point I'm making is if you approach former non-JW friends in a humble manner admitting fault- they'll accept you I've found with open arms. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Hi, All! I haven't been on the board for a while..... BUT, FLIPPER, THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!
It just amazes me how we all came out of Babylon........ er, Jehovah's Witness and have been able to actually SEE and UNDERSTAND what we were in.... A FREAKN CULT! I take my hat off to this post, Flip, as it is to a tee. It's so sad to see ones STILL so deep in. But, as time has passed (as I haven't been a part of the cult in over 7 years, now...) I listen and look at what 'people' need: THEY NEED SOMETHING/ANYTHING to believe in.......ANYTHING.
I attended the assembly a few weeks ago with my kids. It was something to see! The friends that were in their 40's, 50's back when I was in in my late teen and 20's looked like ( I hate to say it....) The Walking Dead. The ones back in the day that had 'LIFE' to live for, looking that this New Order would be here by now look horrible....just hanging on for dear life.............20 YEARS, LATER!!!
Just sad. An "existence' and you call that 'happy'. ...smh...
Nice to see you back here.
I know what you mean about attending a convention after being out so many years and seeing the people you once knew and how they have aged - hanging on for dear life waiting for the New Order. Instead, they should have been out and living their lives.
We all age but it is sadder when somebody is sitting in a kingdom hall somewhere wishing their present life away! This is so tragic because their present life is the only one they can count on!
ITSCRAPANDTHEYKNOWIT- Hey, thanks. It really IS a testament to all of us like you say that we can see and realize that we were trapped in a mind control cult. Good for us. Realizing it has been part of the healing process. Good point you make that many people JW's and anybody in religions in my opinion NEED to believe in something or latch onto something because they can't stand " not knowing ". Many people seem to not be able to cope with the unknown- but in my opinion being able to admit to ourselves that many things are not known is part of acceptance and being a sane person. I have noticed that many JW's have aged a lot as well. I rarely ever see anyone I knew as it's been over 10 years since I stopped attending- but those I have seen look dog tired and worn out. The WT cult uses them up then spits them out. LONG HAIR GAL - It's sad I agree with you- so many of these people including my older JW parents could have used their lives for some useful purposes instead of being deceived. But unfortunately many of these people haven't had a clue that they are being deceived. And I feel for some of these JW's who DO NOT believe - et they stay in to maintain family or friendships that are conditional while going against their own personal doubts. It must be hard emotionally to cope with that. I'm glad I got out ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
@ Flipper,
Attitude means alot...or as Popeye use to say...." your altitude"...I'm happy that your life is better...You are a musician, that's great, I'm a musician too, in my mind...I would have loved to play a couple of instruments....My favorite are: Violin, drums, saxophone....I like the guitar, you know my favorite guitar solo is...Tears for Fears...Everybody wants to rule the world...awesome guitar...That's one of my favorite songs too...isn't it true, doesn't everybody want to rule the world & doesn't every religion want to be right....Hope the CD sells. Nothing better than making some $$ on what you like to do....
Hope we talk soon...thanks again, for helping me spit out the kool-aide...Sometimes I fantasize that the org. changes with the young generation coming in, they are a bit different...I hope..
Later Dude,
Flipper, thanks for encouraging kindness and tolerance. I wish we had a "sticky" when you open this board that says " tolerance and kindness are expected."I recall that "special" feeling too, we were aliens is a foreign nation-the wts said. The young woman who wrote" I'm perfect, you're doomed" said it in in a hilarious way but it was so true.
I may have missed it but have you and your son gone further looking for BF?
Flipper I don't know if you saw my thread but I have been writing to an old friend of my late husband who contacted me out of the blue after over twenty years of shunning. She has been 'witnessing' to me for a while and then finally a few months ago I mentioned Candace Conti. When she replied there was no mention of Candace or child abuse at all, not a word. I couldn't believe it, there is such a bury your head in the sand mentality about these people. After reading your thread it has made me think I should bring it up again and really hammer it home.
Dudn't realize this thread had been bumped up ! Thanks for the responses. LEGACY- Thanks. I'm glad you enjoy music as well. I remember Tears for Fears - they had some good songs. I remember " Everybody Wants to Rule the World ". I'm not one of those people who want to rule the world- just want to rule my OWN life- nobody elses ! LOL ! It's enough of a challenge running my own life let alone anybody elses. LOL. I also hope the up and coming generation of young JW's makes goos decisions and gain their freedom exiting the WT organization. VIOLIA- Well, thanks. You know- we are all survivors who really NEED to be supportive towards one another in my opinion. We have survived being in a mind control cult so we understand each other. Might as well show support towards each other, you know ? And yes my son and I DID go on a Bigfoot expedition in October with his girlfriend and I'll be posting a thread on it soon , with pictures . So stay tuned in the next week or so. Been SOOO busy with work and recording my music I haven't had time to breathe lately, plus I was sick for awhile. Busy, busy guy . XANTHIPPE- That's good that you want to reveal to your JW friend about the Candace Conti child abuse case. It's so true- most of these JW's do NOT have a clue as to what's going on inside their organization regarding child abuse scandals or ANYTHING negative. They are only told the " positive " from the WT Society leaders and writing committee. They are TOTALLY under information control or even information blackout. So any time we can expose the WT Societys lawlessness to the public or lurking JW's it is a positive thing in order to tell them the REAL story of what's happening behind the curtain and behind closed doors. Good for you ! Keep the great work up ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper