and you think the kingdom hall is bad, watch this!
by unstopableravens 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If they had a video camera in the GB confrence room we would see them dancing on the table as they dump box after box of monthly publisher time slips, yelling, "Woooo! Woooo! Can you fuh-EEEL the spirit brother? Woooo! Woooo!"
And don't think for a minute they don't do a little happy dance every time they unload another piece of Brooklyn property.
zoos: lol you just put a funny picture in my mind
I see similar type hucksters on late night TV here. I can watch and laugh but many people seriously believe this.
ALL religion is about the money.
cantleave: lol i dont think so, we dont even have a colection plate, false religion is thou
viola: yeah prob tbn, 9o % on there are false heritics
I wonder if this guys was able to collect 5 grand?? the last assembly i went to they said the expenses for one day was 5,000 even though the building was biult and payed for years ago and the land donated. For all this guys trying I bet the Borg got more in that one day.
I really ejoy that "Wretched" show. One of the few Xtian TV shows I can stomach. Dude seems like a straight shooter.
@unstopableravens Jehovah's Witnesses DO have a collection plate. They don't pass it around, but they do use guilt and reminders... the SAME guilt and reminders that are manifested when a plate is passed in front of a parishioner. It's no difference. I've been to several Catholic ceramonies where a plate is not passed around, but the boxes are in the back.
It's a technicallity at best, but the idea and sentiment is still there... just different presentation. From the outside, it's all "passing the plate".