In depth research reveals....

by Deltawave 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Watchtower-Free
  • 4thgen

    WTBTS Re- Writing Department -

  • LisaRose

    Doug, I sent you my email, thanks.

  • nicolaou
    Good topic. Makes me wonder if anyone has kept an archive of all the digital magazines/books available on since its inception...
  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    All Watch Tower magazines from 1879 to the present are available plus most books, magazines, newspapers and tracts.


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    The early SDA Church leaders were similarly obsessed - part of their "health" message. Kellogg invented Corn Flakes (without any sugar) as a cure for masturbation. Google will confirm.

    Enjoy your breakfast.


    Masturbating with corn flakes sounds kinda uncomfortable. I would stop if that's how I was doing it...I think
  • Vidiot

    I suspect that if someone were to sit down and read a compilation of all the weird, stupid, or just plain crazy-ass things the WTS has printed in the past, he or she would die from brain damage.

    Not from the content, mind you... from repeated and fatal facepalming.

  • kaik
    However, there is a push to preserve a published articles of WT in universities that deal with analysis of religious phenomena. This is already the case in Czech Republic where Charles University already collected large collection of JW literature. There is also a push from WT for JWs to surrender their old literature and hand it over to the KH. Once they masked as a recycling. My mom has bounded WTs for last 40 years and she was several times asked to hand over the collection to local KH. I had advised her to give it to local university, which can digitize it for research.
  • R. Jerome Harris
    R. Jerome Harris

    The GB does not want research or investigation into the organizations history as it reveals many inconsistencies with what JWs are being taught today. For instance:

    1. C.T Russell and his many writings would be "apostate" by Watch Tower reckoning today. Yet, the many writings of the founder cannot be found in the WT Library. JWs in the congregation are kept from them.

    2. It would be discovered that the 1914 teaching did not originate with the WTBTS but originated with the Second Adventist Movement in which C.T. Russell was a member. He borrowed the teaching when he left that organization. The WT claims it has always contained the Faithful and Discreet Slave, but this 1914 teaching came from elsewhere.

    Where there is concealment, there is deceit.

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