Also time travel was invented around 1925....the time machine was actually based on Judge Ruth'ferds adventures in time. Hence why he drank so much. Alcohol decreased his conductivity so he would not be electrocuted when creating the wormholes he travelled through. His bitterness was because he knew some super humanoid apelike creature with et's face would rule over men...and a strange white haired super clairvoyant dude much resembling a character from bill and teds excellent adventure would somehow fit in there. So he had to act right away.
The 1914 war in heaven was first announced in 1925
by Doug Mason 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
I don't think even in 1925 they (Rutherford) spelled out that Jesus began reigning in 1914 the way JW's express it today.
And nowhere , just nowhere, is the 1919 "choosing" explained clearly.
So, we have a Nation born, in 1914, that does not know much about what its king is up to, later in 1919 Jesus chooses his FDS, but doesn't tell them for years, and does not give them an explanation of that choosing to pass on to the ordinary JW's.
What a Muckin' Fuddle !
AND Rutherford was in heaven before the 'DEVIL' knew he was dead---don't you know!
Doug Mason
The writer of Revelation says: "there was war in heaven".
My understanding of grammar is that as far as the 1st century writer was concerned, this had already happened in the past. He does not write: "I saw that there is going to be a war in heaven". For him, it had already taken place - Satan was already on earth.
Who was the "woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet"? Someone who gave birth to a son who was snatched up to God and his throne. Did he possibly mean that the woman was the nation of Israel? Certainly he was not speaking of a literal person.
Where was the desert she went to for 1260 days, after she obtained eagle's wings?
And Satan has seven heads as well as horns and crowns? If he was around, he certainly would make the TV news bulletins in Australia, I am sure.
Let's be real about this fanciful imagery and never build a belief based on it!
Right on DM!
It was always presented to me that 1914 was prophesied to be the beginning of God's kingdom many, many years before that time period and it's significant event of WW1. You can understand young uneducated people like myself thinking - why would they lie? I just didn't know that they were just another unscrupulous, greedy company taking advantage of people.