I was pursuing a higher education while serving as an elder. I guess I would be removed.
Instructions To Elders Re: Pursuing Higher Education
by baldeagle 46 Replies latest jw friends
Where I live, there is an elder shortage. No one will be deleted as no one wants to assume the deleted elder's responsibilities.
Higher education is a real threat to a cult predicated on brainwashing.
"heeding the warnings given by the faithful slave and its Governing Body" - hold on a minute - the FDS is the GB. Oh wait a another minute, this letter is dated March 2012 - it's already infected with 'old'light' the BOEs should just ignore it.
This is a very good point. The Jehovah Witness religion is just another man-made religion with their Crazy 8 Governing Body members making this bullshit up on the fly.
WAKE UP JW's.....IT'S A CULT!!! We were as deep in the Watchtower bullshit as you are before waking up.
Thanks for putting that together bald eagle.
Yes you are 100% correct. The more prominent elders have sons who go to college and everything is fine. Where in a different congregation, a guy may decide to go to university and evenpioneer.....but does nto qualify for a role in the congregation.
None of this stuff has any root in scripture, OR reality.
The fact we all bought into it shows how far we have come.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I agree with Ultimate Axiom. They are clearly scared and are resorting to threats to get the sheeple to submit.
They feel it opens up a whole can of worms, resentment, judging, favoritism etc.
That is just SOP for the hounders. If they couldn't use their position to foment resentment, judge, or show favoritism they would not want to be eldurrs at all.
LoisLane looking for Superman
This is the most idiotic letter, I have ever read.
The writing committee, must have laughed their heads off, when told to write this. Or been too embarrassed to admit it.
If this letter was sent to a leading newspaper, they would think it was an April Fool's (April 1st in the States) joke.
No one with half a brain, after reading this, could ever take anything the Crazy 8's stated as serious.
What the Governing Body... God's Faithful Slave wants, is total obedience to them. Not God. Them. And since they have no 'credentials', nobody else can either.
What mother or father who loves their children, wants to see their child oppressed? Loving parents want their children to succeed and build a life that will make their lives be happy and fulfilled.
Watch Tower Society and their Governing Body are a deadly spreading cancer. In their wish to 'live' they kill off the host body that feeds it with their lives, their money their time and this WT GB JW.ORG is not happy, unless it controls and consumes every last one of it's Drones.
Thankfully JW.ORG consumes only a tiny fraction of human beings... I wish all 7 1/2 million followers would WAKE UP and not be fodder for this Cancer Society but get well, get help here on JWN and do not listen to JW.ORG anymore. Have you never heard of freedom of choice? Start making healthy choices and let the JW cancer, die. You do not need it. It needs YOU to survive. What will you do? Stay and be consumed... Or wake up, and live a life of your own choosing?
LoisLane wishing all human beings FREEDOM. It is up to each of us, to figure out how best to accomplish that goal.
Does anybody have a link to a copy of the original letter?
http://www.dannyhaszard.com/media/Incriminating_Documents.htm . Incriminating letter.
Band on the Run
Well, evidently you can't be disfellowshipped. Depending on local circumstances, you can remain appointed or not. I noticed that the letter did not reference any hard evidence for the view that Higher Education leads to loss of faith in the Witnesses or immoraltiy. I would think that the main problem is that HIgher Education would expose the GB's lies. When Rick Santorum played this card during the recent GOP primaries, it turned out that faith in God actually increases. Do people with Higher Education lie, rob, burglar, rape, mug, or murder more than others? I doubt this, too.
Does anyone know the educational backgrounds of the GB?