Fate of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by Thoughtless 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    There are two "needs" in life and it is hard meeting both at the same time:

    The first is the need to be consoled and comforted (a very human need);

    The second is to question the source of that consolation and comfort (another very human need).

    Unfortunately, when people are tending to the first need they are not receptive to the second - and vice versa.

    Sometimes when people ask questions about "What will happen to [insert name of group, organization, country, etc]?" you need to first ascertain whether the questioner is trying to meet the first or second need. It seems clear to me that if the questioner is trying to meet the first need, it would be churlish to answer in terms of the second need. Similarly, if someone is questioning something (the second need), it is superfluous trying to comfort them.

    Perhap the OP needs to be clear about whether they are asking this question in terms of needing a consoling or a questioning reply.

  • Finkelstein

    Personally I think ass-wipes like this and all the other leaders of the corrupt WTS. have much more to pay for than regular every day JWS..

  • jwfacts

    For those that believe the Bible, you can pick and chose which bit you would like to believe. I would say that since there are scriptures showing Jesus was Ransom for all, and "the wages sin pays is death" JWs would have the same opportunity as everyone else for everlasting life. Many religions concentrate on the more negative scriptures of punishment for people that do not belong to their organistion, and the above concepts to people that belong to their organisation, which I see as nothing more than a marketing ploy to grow their own religion.

  • snare&racket

    I say they are as much in gods memory as anyone else is......

    snare xx

    tee hee

  • NewYork44M

    jwfacts, very nice and reasonable comment. It is too bad that I have lost all faith in religion and am no longer interested.

  • rmt1

    A nice detente if you need a god. Good for JWs worrying about not matching up to one collosal prick. Not so effective at answering how or why, exactly, it is that an omnipotent being deliberately allows the heinous crimes and events we witness, yet disallows evidence of his existence that could satisfy the processes we humans use to understand the physical world he made.

    I mean - every plastic molded item you have has those little tabs or sprues of excess plastic at the entry point of the mold, that give evidence that the item came from a mold. The universe so far doesn't have much in the way of these ubiquitous plastic sprues that reveal the design, the manufacture, etc. If I saw a sprue, even one sprue that could be separately verified by multiple observers, then, presto!, I become absolutely fine with the thought that god exists and is simply a collosal prick. Those who need a god also require these little plastic sprues to indicate a prior, a mold, a greater context, and so they need to devise sprues and the pre-textual explanation of how those devised sprues prove the existence of a deity. And not just a deity, but a deity that isn't a collosal prick. So much work, so much creativity, so much invention, so much creative art, involved.

  • Crazyguy

    Very interesting question and comments, Jesus said there was a few things that one must do but really having love was the main one. So is a person that does not get born again really not ever going to see the kingdom of god because he or she was taught that this was not an option for them? This is a paradox for sure.

  • rmt1

    colossal, grr.

  • NewYork44M

    This is a paradox for sure.

    With no disrespect intended, the paradox is only because we are trying to conform our ethical values (which in general is very high) with the framwork of a god who - in my opinion - displays no ethics.

    What I hear too often from christians is similar to co-dependents justifying the horrible acts of the ones they love - in this case "god."

  • bohm

    FloridaPerry: There will also be those who don't like it and will side with Satan after the 1000 years.

    people: we side with satan!

    satan: so what are you gonna do about it?

    god: think you dont exist and then you dont exist.

    Satan & people: oh crap, never saw that co--


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