Turning 30, going to TJ and getting drunk with your 30 year old girlfriends is not tattoo worthy IMO.-DD
Goodpoint DD. I didn't earn mine. How about being a survivor of a CULT? Is that tattoo worthy? I don't need any more though.
Kate xx
by confusedandalone 81 Replies latest social physical
Turning 30, going to TJ and getting drunk with your 30 year old girlfriends is not tattoo worthy IMO.-DD
Goodpoint DD. I didn't earn mine. How about being a survivor of a CULT? Is that tattoo worthy? I don't need any more though.
Kate xx
LOL!! Surviving a cult would qualify, I guess!
Like I said, that's my opinion. I find some tattoos attractive, but they are usually in the Japanese style. I am a sucker for that stuff. If it's tastefully done, I like it. If your body is covered in tattoos for cultural or religious reasons and that's who you are, I respect that. That doesn't mean that I want that for myself. I would still be your friend.
On women I find them sexy if they are tastefully done.
I think that if they are small and not covering significant amounts of area of skin, maybe they can enhance the back of a wrist or something. But, BUT, they can also be tacky as all get out. You have a refined looking girl in an elegant looking evening gown, with giant tattoos, and she ends up looking trashy. And who would cover up cleavage with ugly tattoos? I see it too often. But I guess if it ma▼kes the girls happy and their sweethearts like it, to each her own.
I frown upon tattoos. They are an oxymoron.
People get them to be individuals, but yet their getting them is their following the crowd. Go figure.
And they are ugly and not thinking of the future.
Are you guys also seeing more and more of these "In Living Memory Of" rear window decals, or is it only a Southern California thing? When did this one start?
Seems kinda morbid to me, but since so many people really seem to have their identity so strongly tied to their cars, it kinda makes sense to have a mobile memorial, like getting a tattoo for one's car (and it's like visiting Forest Lawn Cemetary every day, without having to actually get off the freeway).
I have seen those for yeeeeeaaaars. I think people think it is a way to express thier love for people that meant alot to them.
Adam, I see some of that here. I see more roadside memorials than anything though.
What I've seen a lot of are "In Memory of" tattoos on both men and women, with the dates and sometimes a pic.
Sorry guy's I have tried to photograph my tatto's to no avail. you can see them when you meet me and we go swimming. Kate xx