Wasa's right. I'm starting to forget all the bureaucracy with the borg. You could reply, "No need to meet. The letter is sufficiently clear that I no longer slave for the Watchtower Corporation."
scum bag elder
by Crazyguy 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Knee him in the nads......that's what I did......
LOL.....now that would be the two witness rule that you are out of the Cult.
Outinthemeadows......you have got it tell us about this.
LOL Be sure to knee him in the balls when you are alone. Then deny it. Two witness rule.
Narcissistic Supply
Keep your wife out of it. Mano a Mano. Tell the elder to fuck off and *#$#
Here's what you say in your reply.
"Oh I'm afraid u misunderstood the letter. lol. I'm not DAing from the JWs. The letter was to notify you that YOU are no longer considered one of God's People, having disassociated yourself by your actions. I have announced this formally to the friends and family. Please make an appointment to see me if you need clarification about which scriptural commands you fell short on."
If you want to DA, just mail a signed, registered letter to each elder on the body, and the CO (or even headquarters).
I wouldn't DA myself and play their game. I just walked away. I don't talk to any elders; when they drop by, we don't answer the door. But then my husband walked away at the same time. It is hard having your wife still in. DA'd or DF'd, the result is pretty much the same.
Tell the CO guy that you wrote that letter in haste and due to your stressed out state you
want to retract it. Do this if you want to stop associating without being tagged as DA'ed or DF'ed.
Then write the BOE of your congregation another letter telling them you are withdrawing membership
from that congregation. That's right... not DA'ing as a JW... but rather, withdrawing membership from
that specific congregation.
So include that you in no way are disassociating yourself from the Jehovah's Witness community.
Only that you no longer want to be recognized in the membership list of that particular congregation.
Then write another letter telling them to cease calling or making contact with you, threaten with
legal measures against the local BOE. Tell them that you will not include the Watchtower Society in
the legal case unless they start giving legal advise to the BOE and by their association they are
including themselves in your legal case against them.
You want to repeat clearly that you will sue the local BOE for any judicial action they take against you,
since you don't consider yourself a member of that congregation anylonger, and you will sue them for
any negative mention of you in a public setting or any announcement.
End by reassuring them that you are not disassociating yourself and you reserve the right to join another
JW congregation of your choosing wherenever you're ready to do so, where you won't feel they'll
harass you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Due to the stress you've been a victim of through the BOE's contact with you, you find no alternative but
to withdraw membership from that congregation and their biggoted representatives.
DO NOT involve your wife in any communications as a go-between. And tell the BOE in the letter to respect
your head of household standing and not discuss anything related to you or your family unless you are
Wishing you the best,
Well the letter has been delivered and your right i should not had my wife deliver it. I have defenitly lost this battle and was out played by the elders etc. But I did not know the rules of engagment so my bad. Now that I'm DA'd I can go on and have a life with out the BORG and choose my battles more carefally i will try to share TTatt to my kids as I can and since only one of my children is a teenager I have time. Everyone here has been a help and ones still continue to make coments about not DFing or DAing or playing by there rules. But I had no choices since they were determined to DF me anyway. When I wieghed all the options DAing seemed like the best and was able to discuss a little with the kids. The other options i dont think the kids would of been reseptive to any thing i said.
My daughter mentioned to me last night that she had already talked to her best friend about how they were going to still see each other at my house if i was DF'd. My daughter let this slip out that they talked about a month ago. So its clear to me that someone has been talking to them about these things for awhile. So all in all they were determind to kick me out and maybe even shared info with my wife and her in turn to my daughter. All because I asked a few questions about some dogma. So now maybe I can play the victim card to my other children as they get older. Getting my kids out as many as I can is all I care about. Being in as a fader just was not an option I would of choose even if I could have. I can now start a knew and hopfully as christian they will see things and have experiences that will open thier eyes. Having one parent in and one parent out I hope increases my odds, and since about 60% of born ins quit anyway things maybe looking up. I plan on moving to a new area in time and that will most likely put them in a more nomal hall which is not as nice as the one I was attending all the while sharing TTaTT. All I can do is learn form this and do my best to win the war.
I will not respond to the elders again in any way concering my desision to DA, I may go to the next Memorial though and drink all the wine and eat a bunch of bad bread just to piss them off.
As Blondie said, the outcome would be the same no matter what you did. I don't think you were outplayed, it's just a game where the odds are stacked in their favor, big whoop, they won the right to shun you, who cares about talking to a bunch of brainwashed dolts? You won freedom from enslavement to a corporation and the chance to prevent your children from being brainwashed. They won a battle, you won the war.
I'm not sure what you were expecting, crazyguy. As LisaRose said, you'd face this outcome no matter how you would try to formally dissociate. It's happened and you could do worse than simply accepting the outcome. There are so many helpful posters here who will understand and offer advice. Best, steve