I've never watched it but I don't care for or watch shows about rednecks. I'm glad the patriarch is being suspended from the show for his anti-gay remarks. Much deserved.
Do You Give A Sh*t About "Duck Dynasty"?
by minimus 41 Replies latest social entertainment
fresh prince of ohio
I watched a few minutes of it last night, just to see what all the fuss was about. One of the guys caught a turtle for his wife, I guess to keep as a pet. Then she asked him to catch another. Then the old guy was riding on a scooter down some road and some other guys from the clan came up alongside him in this badazz black pickup truck and they started arguing about something.
Yeah, that was 3 or 4 minutes i'll never get back. LOL
You lie. You didn't have to look it up. You have the Chia Duck Dynasty collection!
There's this show, I believe it's called "Swamp People." When I first saw it, I thought it was hilarious that they had to use closed captioned "English" to help viewers understand the "English" spoken by these people. But beyond that, I saw little value in such a show. It turned me off from even having a look at similar stuff.
Duck Dynasty, I never tried. I ain't no snob, I do watch television. But there is so much junk out there, none of them should take themselves so seriously as if their opinions matter.
So Duck Dynasty is a show about a bible thumpin' preacher(phil Robertson) who invented a duck call and made millions for himself and his family. I repeat A SOUTHERN BIBLE THUMPING FIRE AND BRIMSTONE PREACHER! And A&E is somehow surpised at these remarks in the GQ piece? He's been saying these things from the pulpit for years. I don't buy it. This is a publicity stunt. Nothing more, nothing less. The new season starts in a couple weeks. It's brilliant really. I mean we're talking about DD on JW.net for Christ's sake.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDHr8GR-e-4
The more we talk about them the more publicity they get. So in the end it works out for them.
I apologize in advance, but I have a dilemma I know you can set straight for me.
Mr. Robertson compared homosexuality to beastiality. And people were up in arms. But here is my question:
Some of the same arguments apply: Is it about loving whom you love? So if you and your horse love each other and want to have relations, who is to say you nay (or neigh)? Is there a judgment that loving an animal is somehow wrong or - unnatural?
How does one counter the argument that if loving a member of the same sex is "natural" then loving a member of the animal kingdom can be as well? Where is the line drawn?
Well, I draw the line at bestiality.
I didn't give a Shit about it until someone on Facebook posted a picture of the dude, saying "Like and share if you agree with this guy that gays should go to hell."
I unfriended the person for the same reasons I'm not friends with the Westboro Baptist Church.
Black Sheep
Turned it off halfway through the winery episode and never watched it again. The script writers should be thrown back into their swamp.