Maybe you're not understanding that the robertson's don't need A&E. Their duck call business raked in over 44 million dollars last year. That's just the duck commander calls. Not the millions they make in merchandising or the few million the "buck commander" side makes. Sure, they each make about a million bucks a piece per year for being on the show, but that's chump change. Somebody else will surely pick them up if A&E royaly screws up and pisses them off. These guys had built a multi, multi million dollar empire long before A&E came along and offered them a reality series. Don't get it twisted, A&E aren't their bosses. They gave A&E a cash cow, the highest rated sho on TV, that they'll happily take somewhere else I'm sure. I'm of the opinion that this whole thing is just a publicity stunt anyway.
Duck Watchtowercy
by Defianttruth 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I didn't really care what Phil said... he has a right to his opinion.
It was the reference to horse f*cking that I was shocked by. What I do and how I love doesn't resemble horse f*cking in the least bit. But to be fair, I've personally never f*cked a horse... so I don't know. He is allowed to make that assumption... just like I am allowed to assume that he and everyone from that part of Louisiana know a lot more about horse f*king than I do. And just look at him... I mean, honestly, if there is ANYONE on the planet you are going to trust about the subtle nuances of f*cking a horse, it's going to be the ZZTop roadie who whittles and blows whistles for a living.
Sp apparently me and all my LGB brothers and sisters have been f*cking wrong all these years. I'm learning something new. I think this is an oppritunity for all of us to grow in our hearts... open our eyes, and learn how to f*ck like horses.
People these days are actively looking for opportunities to be offended to push their beliefs. He is being criticized for responding to a question about his own opinions on sin.
i think two gay guys going at it is gross. I think two good looking women going at it is hot. But that is because I am attracted to women as I am a straight male. It doesn't mean I look down on gay men because of what they do in their bedroom. if someone just took my comment out of context and picked on the first sentence of this paragraph, they could use that to make me look bad.
Today there is a hypocrisy going on. People are shouting for tolerance of their beliefs yet turn and attack those who hold a different belief. I find so much negativity and hate in this world that I am more and more tuning out watching the news or reading articles about people getting all worked up over such issues. All it does is upset me. I'd rather focus on good.
@Pronger1 I take absolutely NO offense to what you said, but I'm just going to use you as an example... nothing more.
NO ONE... absolutely no one, is asking anyone to think about GAY SEX. In the interview he was asked about modern morality... that was it. He trailed off all over the place and ended up with vaginas and f*cking horses.
When concervatives are asked about marriage equality, their minds SOMEHOW go to two guys f^cking (possibly with a horse). WHY?
You ask 100 straight couples who are married, "What makes a happy relationship?" 95% of them are going to give you a long list without including sex. With all guys (gay or straight) there are many steps that happen before we can have sex with our lifelong partner. ALL straight married guys know this... lol. So why do people look at two guys together and think "SEX!"?
Obviously... sex is on SOMEONE's brain.
anyone who holds religious convictions is just doing it 'cause they're dumb.
It wasn't about his intelligence OR his religious convictions when I called him 'dumbass'. I call anyone a dumbass who, in the moment, does or says something goofy, obnoxious or offensive - open mouth and insert foot. You can have a butt-load of degrees and speak in 14 foreign languages, but if your intent is to be offensive then I think you're a dumbass. Maybe I'm the dumbass and don't know when to use the word 'dumbass'.
Oh well.
"I agree with what he said. I don't see how men can be attracted to other men. Gross. Nothing to do with hate. Anothing wrong with anti-gay sayings."
That means you aren't gay, nothing more. How you feel about men attracted to other men, that is how gays feel about straight sex.
The whole point of the outrage over this, and the reaction to it, is that it is perfectly OK to call out intolerance.
To call out intolerant rednecks is not the same as gay bashing, or ignorant comments about race.
It is NOT intolerant to point out bigotry and racism, that is moving forward.
Does he have the right to say it?
He has the right to free speech.
But there are consequences for all speech, he is now getting the consequences.
Let us get back to the point the original poster made.
What if all these venues became aware of what the Watchtower Society says about gays, theblood doctrinrule who witness rule, etc.
They may not let them have the assemblies in theirstadiums, auditoriums, etc! This is a wonderful idea! We need to start writing the places they hold theassemblies and threaten protests and other peaceful demonstrations.
You don't think this has been done before? you guys didn't ever experience those scary "apostates"with signs standing outside every DC? It seems to me they were a mainstay at every DC I ever attended. My parents used to maker us close our eyes everytime we drove past them headed out the gate.
Watchtower are very HUSH about honosexuality nowadays....
@snare&racket They haven't been all THAT hush. From the individual Witnesses like my family and childhood friends (for example) there is the subtle innocently phrased questions of condescension and disbelief mixed with a quiet judgement in the eyes as I try to explain my rights to a wall of silent scriptures cast in pre-fabricated foundations and pleasantries.
I find this indirect homophobia truly mean and inhumane because of the perpetual disbelief of my unchangeable DNA.