Naughtiness in my bathroom

by usualusername 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I think you're a prude now and probably always have been viola.

    Kids are under age for what? Seeing a pair of boobs on a postcard will do what exactly? ....These are girls who have boobs of their own arent they?

  • humbled

    Unless you are prepared to be as open in your conversation as you are here, take the pictures down.

    Present yourself complete for kids. But if you cannot talk freely with these people then don't conflict the kids.

    Of course when we are kids we see things--and why do we then as adults pretend that kids now don't see things. So why do we not be open about it?An option would be to ask the kids if they get the joke--And if that seems weird to you, then take the pictures down.

  • usualusername

    Ok I will tell you some of the jokes here.

    One card says

    Go Green

    f**k a vegetarian.

  • SnailsPace2

    If they are easy to take down, take them down. Sure they might be exposed to worse at school, but the girls' parents are probably trying hard to counteract what they are exposed to there and seeing that language in an adults house as humor doesn't help their efforts any. Mostly though I think it depends on the type of host you are. Are a host sensitive to your guest's feelings and don't mind making small changes to make them feel more comfortable? It's good manners for me, but I understand everyone's culture is different.

  • Incognito

    The fact that you're asking what to do implies that you're not comfortable with leaving the items in plain view otherwise, I doubt you would think of asking.

    If the children that are to stay with you were those of close relatives or people you have a personal relationship with, would you be more likely to place the items out of view while they are staying?

  • NeverKnew

    You're seriously asking this?

    Me? If I came over to stay with my children and saw things like this publicly displayed, I can't say I'd trust your judgement afterwards.

    ...and as for the kids, I've got a teenager. If you were her age, you'd come off as cool. If you're over 25, you'd come off as a perv.

  • Violia

    I think you're a prude now and probably always have been viola.

    You are 100% NOT Psychic

  • rebel8

    I would remove it for the 8 yr old. Not that she may not have heard it elsewhere. She hasn't heard it from you.

    And I want to see these cards and get a link to where I can buy some.

  • Jeffro

    If you're having trouble deciding, just err on the side of caution and take them down. (And 'papering over them' is just inviting curiosity.) It's not as though taking them down means permanently destroying them.

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    I would just take them down for the time your guests are there. Christian or no, it's the considerate thing to do if you have young people over.

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