I was always told it was Satan and his demons making people think they exist. Not sure. I always thought the guy that excavated King Tutenkahmun had a curse on him though.
Do you beleive in ghosts??
by quellycatface 142 Replies latest jw friends
No, but I don't know about demons, angels, aliens, or other non human beings with superior intelligence. Kate xx
I have no idea what I believe now. I have so many questions that I'm not able to prove is true or false.
Ken P.
I saw one, so yes I do believe they exist. The curse from the tomb of Tutankhamen is very much hyped though. There is no evidence really for any curse at all that holds up under scrutiny.
I long since rejected the WT idea that these things are Satan trying to convince humans that people do not die when they die. Some of what Jesus said contradicts this view along with anecdotal reports of the effect of some sightings of ghosts on the people who see them. In many cases, whether one believes in them or not they do sometimes bring comfort to the bereaved and have had transformative effects for good, as well as bad in other cases. If, as Jesus said that `a tree is judged by the fruit` then such effects have to be considered as well as Satan’s kingdom not being able to be divided against itself. It’s not likely given this context from Jesus that he thought that giving comfort to the bereaved, or evidence of an afterlife is Satan’s work. The list of the fruits of the spirit in Galatians belies this claim.
Of course one has to consider, even as I do that what is seen is an illusion or malfunction of the brain. As these things often do not have witnesses and are subjective, one will have to come to their own conclusion as to if these things are real. However there are cases where separate witnesses at different times see or experience identical patterns of ghost related phenomena. One has to search out these cases but they do exist and as such provide evidence that lends away from entirely subjective explanations like brain malfunction or illness.
Here is me on TV a few years ago telling my ghost story.
Its the 21st century.
Witness My Fury
If that is your ghost story seraphim then you should be embarrassed to even link to it.
Age 5, watching a magic show on TV, sees a magician in the window... really? is that it?
My god man, my inverted broom coming thru my bedroom and disappearing thru the closed door and then my wardrobe talking to me age 6 was a much more convincing account and I now know that I was mistaken about all of that.
All childhood accounts like these should be dismissed out of hand, everyone knows what kids imaginations are like at that age.
I believe that ghosts are essentially magnetic recordings of past events bouncing around the ionosphere like radio waves. Under certain conditions in the location where the the image was created, you can see the "ghost" be it a person in a window, spectral locomotive or what have you. If you burn down the "haunted" house the "ghost" is gone. Why is that? Why don't ghosts do different things? Why don't they chase people? Why are they tied to objects? Why is Jennifer Love Hewitt's bum so magnificent? What does that have to do with this subject? Ghosts are just recordings, playing in a loop for eternity.
We can put a spectacular film on a magnetic tape and watch it in a machine, why couldn't natural events have recorded an event in a yet to be explained manner? There are weird things out there. Not too long ago, using quartz crystals to transmit sound energy would have been considered wizardry. Hey, it's an idea..
J. Hofer
i believe in daemons. have a lot of them running on my linux boxes.
ghosts are essentially magnetic recordings of past events bouncing around the ionosphere like radio waves
Then it would be trivially easy to prove this hypothesis and claim a Nobel Prize.