Sat on the sound again, listening to this TWADDLE about the governing body, hearing the parrotted answers and cursing my stupidity and ignorance for the decades in which I did the same. Posting on here during a meeting is FUN! You guys are a great support group. Thank you!
governing body my bottom.
by Captain Blithering 28 Replies latest jw friends
I just came home from working in a gp surgery, training as a doctor, come home to coffee, nice bit of dinner, gonna chill with a film,but first a bit of GTA 5.
oh and I am in cosy cloathes..... Hmmmm... Looking forward to spending week with exjw family having xmas.
oh i miss being a JW.....NOT.
if youre bored.....why not turn up the echo? ;) hang in there man you are braver than I used to be, if you stay smart and leave the JW's, life will work out, really.
Captain Blithering
I never really TRULY understood the concept or value of yer actual support groups (I'm thinking of scenes from fight club and about a boy) but now I do. There's no way I could've kept my cool, or restrained my tongue, if it weren't for you good good people..
Captain Blithering
Ahh good man snare, im well jell!
Captain Blithering
Hahaaaa someone's tablet/phone just piped up with some sort of automated voice!! More of that please!
Captain Blithering
Highlights. Best part of the meeting. Makes me wish I was studious so I could throw in some controversial (yet safe) comments.. Truth is though, I just can't be bothered, and I don't want to give the impression that my sloooow fade is reversing..
In my last year i did a lot of answering with info in it, talking about russel and rutherford a lot. It eased my conscience for being there , but it went over their heads like pee on a windfarm.
Are you still there CB?
This is my 7th meeting in a row I have missed. 3 weeks no meetings for me, wont be long for you. Devise your exit plan to stop you getting bored at meetings. Sam xx
Captain Blithering
That's what I thought snare, a waste of time and effort unless I was hoping to be martyred...